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Crystal Reports将数字转换为文本


使用Crystal Reports版本8,我需要将numbervar转换为stringvar . 我已经尝试过ToText()(带有大写的所有变体)和CStr()(也有不同的大小写),每次CR告诉我“这里需要一个数字”并将光标移动到我的else块的开头 . 最终尝试将存储为NumberVars的小时和分钟转换为字符串,这样我就可以显示“8h 30m”而不是8.50 .


if {Collect2000Log.LogCode} = "0002" then 0
NumberVar OldTime := ((DateDiff("n",{@NextTime},{Collect2000Log.LogWhen})/60)*-1);

NumberVar Hours;
NumberVar Minutes;
StringVar strHours;
StringVar strMinutes;
StringVar NewTime;
//Extract the number of hours
Hours := Int(OldTime);
//Get the decimal portion for minutes
Minutes := Remainder(OldTime, 1) * 100;
//Divide the minutes by 60 to increase the number of hours
Hours := Hours + Int(Minutes / 60);
//Get the remainder for the number of minutes left over
Minutes := Remainder(Minutes, 60);
//Convert hours & mins to strings
strHours := ToText(Hours);
strMinutes := ToText(Minutes):
NewTime := strHours & "h " & strMinutes & "m";

现在,当我添加这个公式时,CR说“结束了”,“我很难过 . ”我能够绕过那一次,但现在看起来并不那么充满希望 .


1 回答

  • 1

    问题很简单...在 IFElse 中你需要返回相同的数据类型,但是你要通过 IF 返回一个数字,并通过 Else 返回一个字符串,因此错误 a Number is required 在else块的开头..所以转换 If 的输出如下字符串 .

    if {Collect2000Log.LogCode} = "0002" 
    then ToText(0)
    NumberVar OldTime := ((DateDiff("n",{@NextTime},{Collect2000Log.LogWhen})/60)*-1);
    NumberVar Hours;
    NumberVar Minutes;
    StringVar strHours;
    StringVar strMinutes;
    StringVar NewTime;
    //Extract the number of hours
    Hours := Int(OldTime);
    //Get the decimal portion for minutes
    Minutes := Remainder(OldTime, 1) * 100;
    //Divide the minutes by 60 to increase the number of hours
    Hours := Hours + Int(Minutes / 60);
    //Get the remainder for the number of minutes left over
    Minutes := Remainder(Minutes, 60);
    //Convert hours & mins to strings
    strHours := ToText(Hours);
    strMinutes := ToText(Minutes):
    NewTime := strHours & "h " & strMinutes & "m";
