我正在尝试使用terraform创建一个bitbucket repo,使用此处提供的示例:https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/bitbucket/index.html . 为了简单起见,我硬编码所有的值,如用户名,密码,回购名称等...我能够运行terraform计划,其中说1个资源要创建但是当我应用计划时它会抛出错误:

Error applying plan:
2017/04/03 16:54:26 [DEBUG] plugin: waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
1 error(s) occurred:
bitbucket_repository.bbrepo: 1 error(s) occurred:
bitbucket_repository.bbrepo: EOF
2017/04/03 16:54:26 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: bitbucket-provider (internal) 2017/04/03 16:54:26 [DEBUG] plugin: waiting for all plugin processes to complete...


# Configure the Bitbucket Provider
provider "bitbucket" {
  username = "<BITBUCKET LOGIN EMAIL>"
  password = "<BITBUCKET PASSWORD>"

# Manage your repository
resource "bitbucket_repository" "bbrepo" {
  owner = "<OWNER USER ID>"
  name  = "<REPO NAME TO CREATE>"

如果我有内部托管的bitbucket,如何提供bitbucket url? Terraform版本 - 0.9.2
