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在VHDL中,在模拟测试平台时,我有一个进程和一个敏感列表 . 是否有可能看到灵敏度列表中的哪个信号触发了该过程?我知道这可能取决于工具 . 我正在使用Xilinx ISE . 模拟器是否提供此信息?

3 回答

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    您可以将 'transaction 属性与 'event 结合使用,以确定哪些信号在当前增量周期中有事务:

    process(a, b) is
      if a'transaction'event then
        report "Transaction on a";
      end if;
      if b'transaction'event then
        report "Transaction on b";
      end if;
    end process;

    'transaction 属性创建一个bit类型的新信号,用于切换每个事务 . 该信号上的 'event 属性标识父信号上发生任何事务的时间 .

    您还可以使用 not <signal name>'quiet(0 ns) 确定自上一个时间步骤以来灵敏度列表中的哪些信号发生了事务:

    process(a, b) is
      if not a'quiet(0 ns) then
        report "Transaction on a";
      end if;
      if not b'quiet(0 ns) then
        report "Transaction on b";
      end if;
    end process;

    如果您不想处理在不同delta周期发生的事件的排序,后者可能会更有用 .

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    • Transaction :在模拟周期(时间和增量周期)为信号赋值

    • Event :导致信号值发生变化的事务(赋值)

    因此,在每次分配给该信号时,信号上都会发生事务,但只有当该分配实际上改变了信号的值时才会发生偶数 .


    • S'active :布尔值如果在模拟周期中发生了事务,则为TRUE

    • S'event :如果在当前模拟周期中发生iff事件,则为布尔值为TRUE


    alfa: process (a, b) is
      report "Process alfa was resumed";
      if a'event then
        report "- Event on a";
      end if;
      if b'event then
        report "- Event on b";
      end if;
    end process;

    如果为 ab 分配了当前值,则甚至不会发生 .


    • S'transaction :事务发生时更改的位

    因此,可以通过以下方式在 ab 上通过事务恢复的进程:

    bravo: process (a'transaction, b'transaction) is
      report "Process bravo was resumed";
      if a'active then
        report "- Transaction on a";
      end if;
      if a'event then
        report "- Event on a";
      end if;
      if b'active then
        report "- Transaction on b";
      end if;
      if b'event then
        report "- Event on b";
      end if;
    end process;


    process is
      a <= 0;          -- Declared as natural
      b <= 0;          -- --||--
      wait for 1 ns;
      a <= 1;          -- Both transaction and event @ 1 ns 1 delta
      wait for 0 sec;  -- Delta delay
      a <= 1;          -- Only transaction, but no event @ 1 ns 2 delta
      wait for 0 sec;  -- Delta delay
      b <= 2;          -- Both transaction and event @ 1 ns 3 delta
      wait for 0 sec;  -- Delta delay
      a <= 3;          -- Both transaction and event @ 1 ns 4 delta
      b <= 3;          -- Both transaction and event @ 1 ns 4 delta
      wait for 1 ns;
    end process;

    这将驱动信号,如下所示 . 请注意,ModelSims“Expanded Time Deltas Mode”已用于显示增量周期期间的信号变化:

    enter image description here

    来自进程alfa的报告输出(初始运行0 ps除外)是:

    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process alfa was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 3  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process alfa was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 3  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on b
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process alfa was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on b

    进程bravo的报告输出(初始运行0 ps除外)是:

    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process bravo was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Transaction on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 1  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 2  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process bravo was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 2  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Transaction on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 3  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process bravo was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 3  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Transaction on b
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 3  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on b
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: Process bravo was resumed
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Transaction on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on a
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Transaction on b
    Time: 1 ns  Iteration: 4  Instance: /tb    # ** Note: - Event on b

    因此,可以看出,仅在事务检查过程中,仅在事务检查中报告了仅在事务检查中报告的事务信号变化,并且没有与此相关的事件 .

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    @Morten, So using events and transaction I can even capture the instance that I send the same value to a signal in succession. As in the example:

    a <= 0; - 宣布为自然

    b <= 0;
    等待1 ns;

    a <= 1; - 事务和事件@ 1 ns 1 delta

    等待0秒; - 达美延迟

    a <= 1; - 只有事务,但没有事件@ 1 ns 2 delta

    等待0秒; - 达美延迟

    In this line where you assign the same value to signal 'a'

    a <= 1; - 只有事务,但没有事件@ 1 ns 2 delta

    我的假设是你可以捕获事务,其中transaction = 1,event = 0 .

