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我正在使用Magento CE 1.6.2并尝试使用Website Payments Pro系统 .

我通过结账流程,选择Paypal PRO链接作为我的付款方式,收到消息“您需要在下订单后输入付款详细信息”,到达我查看具有“地点”的订单的页面订购“按钮就可以了 .

当我点击“下订单”时,我的期望是以iframe形式获得paypal按钮但没有出现 . 页面永远不会改变 .

如果我在后端办理登机手续,则该订单会在Magento中显示为“待付款” .

我应该提一下,我正在使用测试PayPal帐户执行此操作并且我打电话给PayPal并且他们认为我的所有设置都是正确的,尽管我不确定我是否正确设置 .

有关为什么在点击“下订单”后我没有被引导到页面输入我的付款信息的任何想法?是否有网站付款专家和Magento 1.6.2的错误?

enter image description here

我启用了DEBUG模式,我在payment_hosted_pro.log中读到了PAYPAL API的正确响应 .

2012-04-05T23:10:41+00:00 DEBUG (7): Array
    [url] => https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp
    [BMCreateButton] => Array
            [METHOD] => BMCreateButton
            [BUTTONCODE] => TOKEN
            [BUTTONTYPE] => PAYMENT
            [L_BUTTONVAR0] => subtotal=14.88
            [L_BUTTONVAR1] => tax=0.00
            [L_BUTTONVAR2] => shipping=5.00
            [L_BUTTONVAR3] => invoice=100000050
            [L_BUTTONVAR4] => address_override=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR5] => currency_code=EUR
            [L_BUTTONVAR6] => buyer_email=jdoe@gmail.com
            [L_BUTTONVAR7] => billing_first_name=John
            [L_BUTTONVAR8] => billing_last_name=Doe
            [L_BUTTONVAR9] => billing_city=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR10] => billing_state=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR11] => billing_zip=0000
            [L_BUTTONVAR12] => billing_country=US
            [L_BUTTONVAR13] => billing_address1=no street
            [L_BUTTONVAR14] => billing_address2=
            [L_BUTTONVAR15] => first_name=John
            [L_BUTTONVAR16] => last_name=Doe
            [L_BUTTONVAR17] => city=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR18] => state=New York
            [L_BUTTONVAR19] => zip=0000
            [L_BUTTONVAR20] => country=US
            [L_BUTTONVAR21] => address1=no street
            [L_BUTTONVAR22] => address2=
            [L_BUTTONVAR23] => paymentaction=authorization
            [L_BUTTONVAR24] => notify_url=http://www.magento.it/paypal/ipn/
            [L_BUTTONVAR25] => cancel_return=http://www.magento.it/paypal/hostedpro/cancel/
            [L_BUTTONVAR26] => return=http://www.magento.it/paypal/hostedpro/return/
            [L_BUTTONVAR27] => lc=IT
            [L_BUTTONVAR28] => template=templateD
            [L_BUTTONVAR29] => showBillingAddress=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR30] => showShippingAddress=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR31] => showBillingEmail=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR32] => showBillingPhone=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR33] => showCustomerName=false
            [L_BUTTONVAR34] => showCardInfo=true
            [L_BUTTONVAR35] => showHostedThankyouPage=false
            [VERSION] => 72.0
            [USER] => ****
            [PWD] => ****
            [SIGNATURE] => ****
            [BUTTONSOURCE] => Varien_Cart_WPP_IT

    [response] => Array
            [WEBSITECODE] => <form action="https://securepayments.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="HSS-IC0YjKMf1wXUUGEyDIpUTWddXlgnXvVl">
<input type="image" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_paynow_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - Il sistema di pagamento online più facile e sicuro!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/it_IT/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">

            [EMAILLINK] => https://securepayments.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=HSS-IC0YjKMf1wXUUGEyDIpUTWddXlgnXvVl
            [TIMESTAMP] => 2012-04-05T23:10:41Z
            [CORRELATIONID] => bb7df94045217
            [ACK] => Success
            [VERSION] => 72.0
            [BUILD] => 2764190

    [__pid] => 5980


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3 回答

  • 2


    我已经解决了在完全安装时启用调试模式的三重问题,检查了文件和文件夹的正确权限,并测试它在我的目录中购买测试产品 .

    看一下我在system.log中收到的/ var / log文件夹这条消息:

    2012-04-06T06:39:06 00:00 CRIT(2):无效的模板文件:frontend / base / default / template / paypal / hostedpro / iframe.phtml我检查了目录frontend / base / default / template / paypal /和 there is not any hostedpro directory!! This is really odd in a fresh install of Magento!

    我已经创建了目录并只上传了frontend / base / default / template / paypal / hss / iframe.phtml文件,现在它也可以正常工作!

    这是一个真正的Magento Bug !!

  • 0

    For you dont need a hostedpro directory..hss works fine . 我遇到这个问题并花了很多时间成功实施......首先你需要 create a paypal account and a corresponding sandbox account . In sandbox account click on profile a pop up 将出现..您将获得所有信息,如 account information,API credentials,funding,settings,products ...
    enter image description here

    使用电子邮件ID作为相关的paypal帐户,API凭据和 most importantly go to product s .. enable the checkbox of Payment pro . 如果您不启用此复选框,则无法使用支付专业版托管解决方案或付款提前...您将收到各种类型的错误 .

    另一个要记住的重要事情是 payment pro hosted solution is not available in every country ..可在 HongKongUnited kingdom ...等 not available in USA .... check this page如支付提前不是每个国家都有... its available in USA ...所以首先你必须检查它是否是是否可用...取决于您必须创建沙盒帐户...例如 pro hosted solution create an account of UK or HK ..和 payment advance create an account of USA ...

  • 0

    我发现问题出在我的自定义主题中 . 尝试将主题更改为默认值,看看会发生什么
