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我正在尝试实施Floyd-Warshall Algorithm . 要做到这一点,它需要我设置加权图的 adjacency matrix . 我该怎么做呢?我知道这些值,并附上了加权图的图片 . 我试图寻找一些在线的例子,但我似乎找不到任何东西 . 我理解Floyd-Warshall算法我只是需要帮助才能设置它,所以我能够实现它 . 这是我之前构建的一个,但我不必使用特定的值 .


public static void buildAdjMatrix()

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
            if (directionAllowed(i, j) == true)
                adjMatrix[i, j] = 1;
                adjMatrix[i, j] = 50;



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enter image description here

1 回答

  • 37

    所以,你似乎不熟悉Graphs,看看维基百科 . 还浏览一些图像,它更容易理解 .


    您的照片可以表示为 Graph . 通常,图形使用2种基本类型的元素实现, NodesLinks (有时称为 Arcs ) .

    一个 Node 表示你图片中的字母,它们将是A,B,C等 . 一个 ArcLink ,是连接两个节点的线,如果看看H到L之间的连接,两者之间有一个连接在加权图中,不同的链接具有不同的权重 .

    解决您的问题 - 第1部分

    我们要做的是在代码中将图片表示为图形,所以让我们开始创建基本元素 NodeArc


    节点有 Name ,因此我们可以识别节点 . 并且节点可以连接到其他节点,我们可以使用节点集合,但是您的节点是加权图,因此,每个连接必须由链接节点和它的权重来表示 . 因此,我们使用Arcs的集合 .

    public class Node
        public string Name;
        public List<Arc> Arcs = new List<Arc>();
        public Node(string name)
            Name = name;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new arc, connecting this Node to the Nod passed in the parameter
        /// Also, it creates the inversed node in the passed node
        /// </summary>
        public Node AddArc(Node child, int w)
            Arcs.Add(new Arc
                Parent = this,
                Child = child,
                Weigth = w
            if (!child.Arcs.Exists(a => a.Parent == child && a.Child == this))
                child.AddArc(this, w);
            return this;



    public class Arc
        public int Weigth;
        public Node Parent;
        public Node Child;


    Graph是一种包装类,用于组织目的 . 我也为图表声明了一个Root,我们没有使用它,但在以下几种情况下很有用:

    public class Graph
        public Node Root;
        public List<Node> AllNodes = new List<Node>();
        public Node CreateRoot(string name)
            Root = CreateNode(name);
            return Root;
        public Node CreateNode(string name)
            var n = new Node(name);
            return n;
        public int?[,] CreateAdjMatrix()
            // Matrix will be created here...

    解决您的问题 - 第2部分

    现在我们拥有了用于保存图形的所有数据结构,让我们用一些数据填充它 . 这是一些初始化类似于您的立方体图片的图形的代码 . 它枯燥乏味,但在现实生活中,图形将动态创建:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var graph = new Graph();
        var a = graph.CreateRoot("A");
        var b = graph.CreateNode("B");
        var c = graph.CreateNode("C");
        var d = graph.CreateNode("D");
        var e = graph.CreateNode("E");
        var f = graph.CreateNode("F");
        var g = graph.CreateNode("G");
        var h = graph.CreateNode("H");
        var i = graph.CreateNode("I");
        var j = graph.CreateNode("J");
        var k = graph.CreateNode("K");
        var l = graph.CreateNode("L");
        var m = graph.CreateNode("M");
        var n = graph.CreateNode("N");
        var o = graph.CreateNode("O");
        var p = graph.CreateNode("P");
        a.AddArc(b, 1)
         .AddArc(c, 1);
        b.AddArc(e, 1)
         .AddArc(d, 3);
        c.AddArc(f, 1)
         .AddArc(d, 3);
        c.AddArc(f, 1)
         .AddArc(d, 3);
        d.AddArc(h, 8);
        e.AddArc(g, 1)
         .AddArc(h, 3);
        f.AddArc(h, 3)
         .AddArc(i, 1);
        g.AddArc(j, 3)
         .AddArc(l, 1);
        h.AddArc(j, 8)
         .AddArc(k, 8)
         .AddArc(m, 3);
        i.AddArc(k, 3)
         .AddArc(n, 1);
        j.AddArc(o, 3);
        k.AddArc(p, 3);
        l.AddArc(o, 1);
        m.AddArc(o, 1)
         .AddArc(p, 1);
        n.AddArc(p, 1);
        // o - Already added
        // p - Already added
        int?[,] adj = graph.CreateAdjMatrix(); // We're going to implement that down below
        PrintMatrix(ref adj, graph.AllNodes.Count); // We're going to implement that down below

    解决您的问题 - 第3部分

    所以,我们有一个完整的初始化图,让我们创建矩阵 . 下一个方法创建一个二维矩阵,n乘n,其中n是我们从图类中得到的节点数 . 对于节点的Foreach,我们搜索它们是否有链接,如果它们有链接,则在适当的位置填充矩阵 . 看看在你的邻接矩阵示例中,你只有 1 s,这里我把链接的权重,我've put this way, so there'在加权图中没有意义!

    public int?[,] CreateAdjMatrix()
        int?[,] adj = new int?[AllNodes.Count, AllNodes.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < AllNodes.Count; i++)
            Node n1 = AllNodes[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < AllNodes.Count; j++)
                Node n2 = AllNodes[j];
                var arc = n1.Arcs.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Child == n2);
                if (arc != null)
                    adj[i, j] = arc.Weigth;
        return adj;



    private static void PrintMatrix(ref int?[,] matrix, int Count)
        Console.Write("       ");
        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            Console.Write("{0}  ", (char)('A' + i));
        for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
            Console.Write("{0} | [ ", (char)('A' + i));
            for (int j = 0; j < Count; j++)
                if (i == j)
                    Console.Write(" &,");
                else if (matrix[i, j] == null)
                    Console.Write(" .,");
                    Console.Write(" {0},", matrix[i, j]);
            Console.Write(" ]\r\n");


    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P
    A | [  &, 1, 1, ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ]
    B | [  1, &, ., 3, 1, ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ]
    C | [  1, ., &, 3, ., 1, ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ]
    D | [  ., 3, 3, &, ., ., ., 8, ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ]
    E | [  ., 1, ., ., &, ., 1, 3, ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ]
    F | [  ., ., 1, ., ., &, ., 3, 1, ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ]
    G | [  ., ., ., ., 1, ., &, ., ., 3, ., 1, ., ., ., ., ]
    H | [  ., ., ., 8, 3, 3, ., &, ., 8, 8, ., 3, ., ., ., ]
    I | [  ., ., ., ., ., 1, ., ., &, ., 3, ., ., 1, ., ., ]
    J | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., 3, 8, ., &, ., ., ., ., 3, ., ]
    K | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., ., 8, 3, ., &, ., ., ., ., 3, ]
    L | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., 1, ., ., ., ., &, ., ., 1, ., ]
    M | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., ., 3, ., ., ., ., &, ., 1, 1, ]
    N | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., 1, ., ., ., ., &, ., 1, ]
    O | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., 3, ., 1, 1, ., &, ., ]
    P | [  ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., ., 3, ., 1, 1, ., &, ]
