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SWIFT - 致命错误:在展开Optional值时意外发现nil


我正在制作一个简单的琐事应用程序,以帮助学习语言 . 目前我正在研究UIButton的下一个问题 . 我不知道我做错了什么 .

func nextQuestion() {
    currentQuestion += 1

    var newQuestion: AnyObject = arrayOfQuestions[currentQuestion]
    questionCorrectAnswer = newQuestion[9].integerValue

    firstAnswer.hidden = false
    secondAnswer.hidden = false
    thirdAnswer.hidden = false
    fourthAnswer.hidden = false

    firstAnswer.setTitle("\(newQuestion[1])", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
    secondAnswer.setTitle("\(newQuestion[2])", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
    thirdAnswer.setTitle("\(newQuestion[3])", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
    fourthAnswer.setTitle("\(newQuestion[4])", forState: UIControlState.Normal)

    questionLabel.text = "\(newQuestion[0])"

    myNextQuestion.hidden = true



var newQuestion : AnyObject = arrayOfQuestions[currentQuestion]

我的newQuestion变量设置为我的问题数组 .

let firstQuestion :AnyObject = Question(question: "What was the first planet to be discovered using a telescope, in 1781?", answerOne: "Mars", answerTwo: "Jupiter", answerThree: "Uranus", answerFour: "Mercury", correctAnswer: 3)
    let secondQuestion = Question(question: "Who averaged 1 patent for every three weeks of his life?", answerOne: "Ben Franklin", answerTwo: "Thomas Edison", answerThree: "Henry Ford", answerFour: "Ezra Gilliland", correctAnswer: 2)
    let thirdQuestion = Question(question: "Which island is the world's largest island?", answerOne: "Iceland", answerTwo: "Australia", answerThree: "Hawaii", answerFour: "Greenland", correctAnswer: 4)
    let fourthQuestion = Question(question: "What is the diameter of the Earth?", answerOne: "5,000 Miles", answerTwo: "6,000 Miles", answerThree: "8,000 Miles", answerFour: "10,000 Miles", correctAnswer: 3)
    let fifthQuestion = Question(question: "The US is the world's 5th largest producer of potatoes. What are the two top potato producing countries?", answerOne: "Canada/Italy", answerTwo: "China/Russa", answerThree: "China/Spain", answerFour: "Hawaii/Russia", correctAnswer: 2)
    let sixthQuestion = Question(question: "What is the symbol for iron on the periodic table?", answerOne: "Fe", answerTwo: "Ne", answerThree: "Se", answerFour: "Io", correctAnswer: 1)
    let seventhQuestion = Question(question: "The Hubble Telescope is named after which astronomer?", answerOne: "Frank Hubble", answerTwo: "Timothy Hubble", answerThree: "Edwin Hubble", answerFour: "Roger Hubble", correctAnswer: 3)
    let eighthQuestion = Question(question: "What year did the Apple's first iPhone become available?", answerOne: "2007", answerTwo: "2005", answerThree: "2005", answerFour: "2003", correctAnswer: 1)
    let ninethQuestion = Question(question: "OS computer abbreviation usually means what?", answerOne: "Optical Sensor", answerTwo: "Operating System", answerThree: "Open Software", answerFour: "Operating Sensor", correctAnswer: 2)
    let tenthQuestion = Question(question: "Where was the first mouse designed?", answerOne: "Apple", answerTwo: "Microsoft", answerThree: "Xerox", answerFour: "Hewlett-Packard", correctAnswer: 3)

    //Array of Questions Set

    arrayOfQuestions = [firstQuestion, secondQuestion, thirdQuestion, fourthQuestion, fifthQuestion, sixthQuestion, seventhQuestion, eighthQuestion, ninethQuestion, tenthQuestion]

当我在手机上运行应用程序时,我回答了问题,然后点击了下一个问题,应用程序崩溃了 . 我真的不知道这个错误告诉了我什么 . 请解释一下你的答案!

2 回答

  • 0

    确保 newQuestion 数组不是 nil 并且索引10的值为非零值 .

    如果我在这里提到的内容已经完成,请随意使用此数组的内容更新您的问题 .



    你说 newQuestion[9].integerValue 但你应该使用 newQuestion[5].integerValue . 您要查找的整数值位于索引5,而不是9 .

  • 0


    var newQuestion: AnyObject = arrayOfQuestions[currentQuestion]
    questionCorrectAnswer = newQuestion[9].integerValue

    你声明 newQuestion 是AnyObject类型,它是 not 一个数组类型,然后你在下一行中取消引用它就好像它是一个数组!这会触发致命错误!

    我建议您将 arrayOfQuestions 的声明更改为 var arrayOfQuestions : Array<Question>() 之类的内容,并考虑使用for循环来实现 nextQuestion() 的其他一些功能 . 也许类似于以下内容:

    // Build the array of Questions
    var arrayOfQuestions = Array<Question>()
    arrayOfQuestions.append(Question(question: "Why?", answerOne: "Because", answerTwo: "Whatever", correctAnswer: 2))
    arrayOfQuestions.append(Question(question: "How?", answerOne: "Like this!", answerTwo: "Don't know", correctAnswer: 1))
    // ... repeat until you have all questions you want
    func nextQuestion() {
        currentQuestionNumber += 1
        let numberOfQuestions = countElements(arrayOfQuestions)
        // To look at the current questions specifics either do this ...
        let currQuestion: arrayOfQuestions[currentQuestionCounter]         
        let question = currQuestion.question
        let correctAnswer = currQuestion.correctAnswer
        // ... or something like
        let question = arrayOfQuestions[currenQuestionNumber].question
        let correctAnswer = arrayOfQuestions[currentQuestionNumber].correctAnswer
        for (var i = 0; i < countElements(arrayOfQuestions); i++) {
            if i <= currentQuestionNumber {
                answer[i].hidden = false
                answer[i].setTitle(arrayOfQuestions[i].question, forState: UIControlState.Normal
            } else {
                answer[i].hidden = true;
