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使用整数索引访问boost :: graph中的特定边


这与我昨天关于使用整数索引访问顶点的问题有关 . 那个帖子在这里:Accessing specific vertices in boost::graph

那里的解决方案表明使用vecS作为顶点的类型,确实可以使用整数索引访问特定顶点 . 我想知道是否有类似的方法由boost使用整数索引有效地访问任意边 .

附件是描述前者(具有整数索引的顶点的有效访问)并基于开发者显式维护两个数组( from[]to[] )来访问边缘的代码,这两个数组分别存储边缘的源和目标 .


Max Flow Problem

#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>

using namespace boost;

typedef adjacency_list_traits<vecS, vecS, directedS> Traits;

typedef adjacency_list<
    vecS, vecS, directedS,
    vertex_name_t, std::string,
    property<vertex_index_t, int,
    property<vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type,
    property<vertex_distance_t, double,
    property<vertex_predecessor_t, Traits::edge_descriptor> > > > >,

    edge_index_t, int,
    property<edge_capacity_t, double,
    property<edge_weight_t, double,
    property<edge_residual_capacity_t, double,
    property<edge_reverse_t, Traits::edge_descriptor> > > > > >

int main() {
    int nonodes = 4;
    const int maxnoedges = 4;//I want to avoid using this.
    Graph g(nonodes);

    property_map<Graph, edge_index_t>::type             E = get(edge_index, g);

    int from[maxnoedges], to[maxnoedges];//I want to avoid using this.

    // Create edges
    Traits::edge_descriptor ed;

    int eindex = 0;

    ed = (add_edge(0, 1, g)).first;
    from[eindex] = 0; to[eindex] = 1;//I want to avoid using this.
    E[ed] = eindex++;

    ed = (add_edge(0, 2, g)).first;
    from[eindex] = 0; to[eindex] = 2;//I want to avoid using this.
    E[ed] = eindex++;

    ed = (add_edge(1, 3, g)).first;
    from[eindex] = 1; to[eindex] = 3;//I want to avoid using this.
    E[ed] = eindex++;

    ed = (add_edge(2, 3, g)).first;
    from[eindex] = 2; to[eindex] = 3;//I want to avoid using this.
    E[ed] = eindex++;

    graph_traits < Graph >::out_edge_iterator ei, e_end;
    for (int vindex = 0; vindex < num_vertices(g); vindex++) {
        printf("Number of outedges for vertex %d is %d\n", vindex, out_degree(vindex, g));
        for (tie(ei, e_end) = out_edges(vindex, g); ei != e_end; ++ei)
            printf("From %d to %d\n", source(*ei, g), target(*ei, g));

    printf("Number of edges is %d\n", num_edges(g));

    //Is there any efficient method boost provides 
    //in lieu of having to explicitly maintain from and to arrays
    //on part of the developer?
    for (int eindex = 0; eindex < num_edges(g); eindex++)
        printf("Edge %d is from %d to %d\n", eindex, from[eindex], to[eindex]);


代码构建和编译没有错误 . for 循环与 vindex 正常工作 out_edgesout_degree 工作正常作为参数整数索引 .

有没有办法为下一个使用boost :: graph数据结构直接打印边的 for 循环做同样的事情?


Boost graph library: Get edge_descriptor or access edge by index of type int

建议的答案是使用 unordered_map . 使用它是否有任何权衡,而不是拥有 from[]to[] 数组?是否有任何其他计算有效的访问边缘的方法?

1 回答

  • 2


    • 使用不同的图形模型

    • 外部边缘索引


    你可能对AdjacencyMatrix concept感兴趣 . 它并不完全是整数边缘ID,但是 AdjacencyMatrix 也可以通过源/目标顶点查找边缘 .

    要获得真正的整体边缘描述符,您可能需要编写自己的图形模型类(对一组现有BGL概念进行建模) . 您可能也对 grid_graph<> 感兴趣(每个顶点有一组固定的编号边,其中顶点是网格) .


    这里's a modification from the previous answer showing an external index. It'类似于您的解决方案 . 我选择 bimap 所以至少你得到反向查找"automagically" .

    // Create edges
    boost::bimaps::bimap<int, Graph::edge_descriptor> edge_idx;
    auto new_edge_pair = [&,edge_id=0](int from, int to) mutable {
        auto single = [&](int from, int to) {
            auto d = add_edge(from, to, EdgeProperty { edge_id, 4 }, g).first;
            if (!edge_idx.insert({edge_id++, d}).second)
                throw std::invalid_argument("duplicate key");
            return d;
        auto a = single(from, to), b = single(to, from);
        rev[a] = b;
        rev[b] = a;
    new_edge_pair(0, 1);
    new_edge_pair(0, 2);
    new_edge_pair(1, 3);
    new_edge_pair(2, 3);


    auto& by_id = edge_idx.left;
    for (auto const& e : by_id) {
        std::cout << "Edge #" << e.first << " is (" << source(e.second, g) << " -> " << target(e.second, g) << ")\n";


    auto ed = by_id.at(random);
    std::cout << "Random edge #" << random << " is (" << source(ed, g) << " -> " << target(ed, g) << ")\n";


    std::cout << "Reverse lookup: " << by_desc.at(ed) << "\n"; // reverse, though not very spectacular
    std::cout << "Classic property lookup: " << g[ed].id << "\n"; // because it can be done using boost easily

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
    #include <boost/property_map/transform_value_property_map.hpp>
    #include <boost/graph/boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow.hpp>
    #include <functional>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <boost/bimap.hpp>
    #include <random>
    std::mt19937 prng { std::random_device{}() };
    using namespace boost;
    struct VertexProperty { std::string name; };
    struct EdgeProperty {
        int id;
        double capacity, residual_capacity;
        EdgeProperty(int id, double cap, double res = 0)
            : id(id), capacity(cap), residual_capacity(res)
        { }
    typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty> Graph;
    int main() {
        int nonodes = 4;
        Graph g(nonodes);
        // reverse edge map
        auto rev    = make_vector_property_map<Graph::edge_descriptor>(get(&EdgeProperty::id, g));
        // Create edges
        boost::bimaps::bimap<int, Graph::edge_descriptor> edge_idx;
        auto new_edge_pair = [&,edge_id=0](int from, int to) mutable {
            auto single = [&](int from, int to) {
                auto d = add_edge(from, to, EdgeProperty { edge_id, 4 }, g).first;
                if (!edge_idx.insert({edge_id++, d}).second)
                    throw std::invalid_argument("duplicate key");
                return d;
            auto a = single(from, to), b = single(to, from);
            rev[a] = b;
            rev[b] = a;
        new_edge_pair(0, 1);
        new_edge_pair(0, 2);
        new_edge_pair(1, 3);
        new_edge_pair(2, 3);
        // property maps
        struct VertexEx {
            default_color_type color;
            double distance;
            Graph::edge_descriptor pred;
        auto idx    = get(vertex_index, g);
        auto vex    = make_vector_property_map<VertexEx>(idx);
        auto pred   = make_transform_value_property_map(std::mem_fn(&VertexEx::pred),     vex);
        auto color  = make_transform_value_property_map(std::mem_fn(&VertexEx::color),    vex);
        auto dist   = make_transform_value_property_map(std::mem_fn(&VertexEx::distance), vex);
        auto cap    = get(&EdgeProperty::capacity, g);
        auto rescap = get(&EdgeProperty::residual_capacity, g);
        // algorithm
        double flow = boykov_kolmogorov_max_flow(g, cap, rescap, rev, pred, color, dist, idx, 0, 3);
        std::cout << "Flow: " << flow << "\n";
            auto& by_id   = edge_idx.left;
            auto& by_desc = edge_idx.right;
            for (auto const& e : edge_idx.left) {
                std::cout << "Edge #" << e.first << " is (" << source(e.second, g) << " -> " << target(e.second, g) << ")\n";
            int random = prng() % num_edges(g);
            auto ed = by_id.at(random);
            std::cout << "Random edge #" << random << " is (" << source(ed, g) << " -> " << target(ed, g) << ")\n";
            std::cout << "Reverse lookup: " << by_desc.at(ed) << "\n"; // reverse, though not very spectacular
            std::cout << "Classic property lookup: " << g[ed].id << "\n"; // because it can be done using boost easily


    Flow: 8
    Edge #0 is (0 -> 1)
    Edge #1 is (1 -> 0)
    Edge #2 is (0 -> 2)
    Edge #3 is (2 -> 0)
    Edge #4 is (1 -> 3)
    Edge #5 is (3 -> 1)
    Edge #6 is (2 -> 3)
    Edge #7 is (3 -> 2)
    Random edge #2 is (0 -> 2)
    Reverse lookup: 2
    Classic property lookup: 2



    #include <boost/graph/adjacency_matrix.hpp>
    typedef adjacency_matrix<directedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty> Graph;


    Live On Coliru

    std::cout << "Finding (3, 1) results in Edge #" << by_desc.at(edge(3, 1, g).first) << "\n";


    Finding (3, 1) results in Edge #5
