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我想使用boost图库中提供的kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree算法构建最小生成树 .


kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree(g, std::back_inserter(spanning_tree));

来自the BGL example是一个简单的边列表 . 但是,我想用 depth first algorithm 处理树,不知道该怎么做 .


1 回答

  • 2

    Update :sehe在此提供更新且更有效的解决方案:https://stackoverflow.com/a/49429372/85371

    这是Kruskal问题的解决方案和编写自定义DFS访问者的好例子 . 它应该按原样运行 . 示例输出在下面的代码中显示为自包含 . 正如我在评论中提到的,MST算法的输出是一组边 . 这将向您展示如何使用该数据构建新图 .

    示例取自http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskals_algorithm .

    任何改进的建议将不胜感激 . 谢谢 .

    Kruskal example from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kruskal's_algorithm
    MST followed by DFS
    Written by Paul W. Bible
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
    #include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
    #include <boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp>
    #include <boost/graph/kruskal_min_spanning_tree.hpp>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace boost;
    typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, undirectedS,
                        property< vertex_index_t, size_t> ,
                        property< edge_index_t, size_t, property<edge_weight_t,double> > > Graph;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
    typedef graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
    typedef boost::property_map< Graph, boost::vertex_index_t>::type VertexIndexMap;
    typedef boost::property_map< Graph, boost::edge_weight_t>::type WeightMap;
    //DFS visitor, got help from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14126/how-to-create-a-c-boost-undirected-graph-and-traverse-it-in-depth-first-search
    // and http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/graph/example/dfs-example.cpp
    struct MyVis:default_dfs_visitor{
        //Default dfs is templeted to work with any Edge or Graph class
        // you will need to pass external graph info to the class
        MyVis(vector<string> vNames):vertNames(vNames){}
        template < typename Edge, typename Graph >
        void tree_edge(Edge e, const Graph& g) const {
            //This works since all graph verts will have an index
            VertexIndexMap vMap = get(boost::vertex_index,g);
            //print output message, source and target get the edge vertices
            cout << "Edge " << vertNames.at(vMap[source(e,g)]) <<  " " << vertNames.at(vMap[target(e,g)]) << endl;
            //cout << vertNames.size() << endl;
        vector<string> vertNames;
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
        Graph G;
        vector<Vertex> verts;
        vector<Edge> edges;
        /* Vertices
        0   A
        1   B
        2   C
        3   D
        4   E
        5   F
        6   G
        //add 7 vertices
        for(size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i){
            Vertex v = add_vertex(G);
        //vertex to index map, typdef above
        VertexIndexMap vertexIndexMap = get(boost::vertex_index, G);
        vector<string> vertexNames(num_vertices(G));
        // Create the external property map, this map wraps the storage vector vertexNames
        boost::iterator_property_map< std::vector< string >::iterator, VertexIndexMap >
            vertexNameMap(vertexNames.begin(), vertexIndexMap);
        //set names
        vertexNames.at(0) = "A";
        vertexNames.at(1) = "B";
        vertexNames.at(2) = "C";
        vertexNames.at(3) = "D";
        vertexNames.at(4) = "E";
        vertexNames.at(5) = "F";
        vertexNames.at(6) = "G";
        //get internal weight map
        WeightMap weightMap = get(edge_weight,G);
        //Edge 1 A -> B, weight 7
        pair<Edge,bool> myPair = add_edge(verts.at(0),verts.at(1),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 7.0;
        //Edge 2 A -> D, weight 5
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(0),verts.at(3),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 5.0;
        //Edge 3 B -> C, weight 8
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(1),verts.at(2),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 8.0;
        //Edge 4 B -> D, weight 9
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(1),verts.at(3),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 9.0;
        //Edge 5 B -> E, weight 7
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(1),verts.at(4),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 7.0;
        //Edge 6 C -> E, weight 5
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(2),verts.at(4),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 5.0;
        //Edge 7 D -> E, weight 15
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(3),verts.at(4),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 15.0;
        //Edge 8 D -> F, weight 6
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(3),verts.at(5),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 6.0;
        //Edge 9 E -> F, weight 8
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(4),verts.at(5),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 8.0;
        //Edge 10 E -> G, weight 9
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(4),verts.at(6),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 9.0;
        //Edge 11 F -> G, weight 11
        myPair = add_edge(verts.at(5),verts.at(6),G);
        weightMap[myPair.first] = 11.0;
        cout << "vertices " << num_vertices(G) << endl;
        cout << "edges    " << num_edges(G) << endl;
        //create a stoage vector for MST edges
        vector<Edge> spanning_tree_edges;
        kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree(G, std::back_inserter(spanning_tree_edges));
        cout << "num MST edges " << spanning_tree_edges.size() << endl;
        //create a graph for the MST
        Graph MST;
        //get a weight map for the MST, may be used later
        WeightMap mstWeightMap = get(edge_weight,MST);
        //create a list of original names for the MST graph.
        vector<string> mstNames(num_vertices(G)); //the MST must span all verts in G
        //Index map for verts in MST, all graphs use an indepenent index system.
        VertexIndexMap mstIndexMap = get(boost::vertex_index, MST);
        cout << "MST Edges" << endl;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < spanning_tree_edges.size(); ++i){
            //get the edge
            Edge e = spanning_tree_edges.at(i);
            //get the vertices
            Vertex v1 = source(e,G);
            Vertex v2 = target(e,G);
            // output edge information
            cout << "edge weight " << weightMap[e] << " v1 " << vertexNameMap[v1] << " v2 " << vertexNameMap[v2] << endl;
            //insert the edge to the MST graph
            // Both graphs will share the vertices in verts list.
            myPair = add_edge(v1,v2,MST);
            //set the correct weights
            // may be needed at some point
            Edge mstE = myPair.first;
            mstWeightMap[mstE] = weightMap[e];
            //get the vertex index in the MST and set the name to that of original graph
            // mstNames will be used by the visitor
            mstNames.at(mstIndexMap[v1]) = vertexNameMap[v1];
            mstNames.at(mstIndexMap[v2]) = vertexNameMap[v2];
        //Create your custom visitor and pass names to the visitor
        MyVis vis(mstNames);
        cout << "DFS on MST: start node E" << endl;
        //call dfs, see visitor implimentation above.
        boost::depth_first_search(MST, visitor(vis).root_vertex(verts.at(4)));
        cout << "DFS on MST: start node B" << endl;
        //call dfs, see visitor implimentation above.
        boost::depth_first_search(MST, visitor(vis).root_vertex(verts.at(1)));
        /* output
        vertices 7
        edges    11
        num MST edges 6
        MST Edges
        edge weight 5 v1 A v2 D
        edge weight 5 v1 C v2 E
        edge weight 6 v1 D v2 F
        edge weight 7 v1 B v2 E
        edge weight 7 v1 A v2 B
        edge weight 9 v1 E v2 G
        DFS on MST: start node E
        Edge E C
        Edge E B
        Edge B A
        Edge A D
        Edge D F
        Edge E G
        DFS on MST: start node B
        Edge B E
        Edge E C
        Edge E G
        Edge B A
        Edge A D
        Edge D F
        //hold for output
