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Excel VBA宏 - 循环遍历筛选表的列


我有一个包含大量数据(气象站目录)的电子表格,它可以计算用户输入的纬度和经度最近的气象站 . 此工作表通过计算距离输入点的距离,使用SMALL()对这些距离进行排名,然后使用公式执行索引(匹配())类型计算的excel TABLE / List(使用排名(1最接近,2是第2最接近等)来实现此目的 .

工作表虽然很慢,但工作得相当好 - 而excel Tables允许按照各种标准(例如年份记录的长度等)对气象站目录进行高级分类 .

我有一个VBA宏,我写的曾经工作,但当我试图修复它时停止工作(太棒了) .

VBA宏的目的是编写带有纬度/长度/气象站名称的Google Earth KML文件,然后将该文件启动到Google地球中,以便用户可以看到设置站点位置周围的邻近站点(之前输入的站点)由用户) .

不幸的是,我使用的原始方法无法处理列表的过滤结果,因此如果用户过滤了结果(例如,前4个气象站被过滤掉了)宏仍然会编写前四个气象站那些不可见/被过滤的 .

对我来说问题变得更加困难,因为我希望只有一个宏用于具有可过滤表的四个工作表 - 用于不同的数据类型 .

在此阶段,宏需要的数据存储在表中,名称相同的表格列:{“STATION”,“LONGITUDE”,“LATITUDE”}在不同的工作表中 . 写入KML文件所需的大多数KML字符串存储在另一个隐藏的工作表“KML”中 .

通过每个页面上的按钮启动宏 .

我知道可能有一个使用“.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)”的解决方案 - 我已经尝试过广泛使用它来使用我的表 - 但到目前为止没有运气 - 可能是由于我缺乏正式的培训 .

任何帮助表示赞赏,无论是解决方案还是建议!我的错误代码道歉,问题循环和破损的代码区域大约有一半 - 在'查找活动表上的所有表格后:

Sub KML_writer()
Dim FileName As String
Dim StrA As String
Dim NumberOfKMLs
Dim MsgBoxResponse
Dim MsgBoxTitle
Dim MsgBoxPrompt
Dim WhileCounter
Dim oSh As Worksheet
    Set oSh = ActiveSheet
'Prompt the Number of Stations to Write to the KML File
NumberOfKMLs = InputBox(Prompt:="Please Enter the number of Weather Stations to generate within the Google Earth KML file", _
                Title:="Number of Weather Stations", Default:="10")
'Prompt a File Name
FileName = InputBox(Prompt:="Please Enter a name for your KML File.", _
                Title:="Lat Long to KML Converter", Default:="ENTER FILE NAME")

'Will clean this up to not require Write to Cell and Write to KML duplication later
Sheets("kml").Range("B3").Value = FileName
Sheets("mrg").Range("C5").Value = "Exported from EXCEL by AJK's MRG Function"

saveDir = "H:\" 'Local Drive available for all users of macro

targetfile = saveDir & FileName & ".KML"

'Write Site Location to KML STRING - user entered values from SITE LOCATION worksheet
StrA = Sheets("kml").Range("B1").Value & Sheets("kml").Range("B2").Value & "SITE LOCATION" & Sheets("kml").Range("B4").Value & Sheets("INPUT COORDINATES").Range("E5").Value & Sheets("kml").Range("B6").Value & Sheets("INPUT COORDINATES").Range("E4").Value & Sheets("kml").Range("B8").Value

    'Find all tables on active sheet
    Dim oLo As ListObject
    For Each oLo In oSh.ListObjects

        Dim lo As Excel.ListObject
        Dim lr As Excel.ListRow
        Set lo = oSh.ListObjects(oLo.Name)
        Dim cl As Range, rng As Range
        Set rng = Range(lo.ListRows(1))  'this is where it breaks currently

    For Each cl In rng2    '.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)

'Stop looping when NumberofKMLs is written to KML
            WhileCounter = 0
            Do Until WhileCounter > (NumberOfKMLs - 1)
            WhileCounter = WhileCounter + 1

                Dim St
                Dim La
                Dim Lon

                'Store the lr.Range'th station data to write to the KML
                St = Intersect(lr.Range, lo.ListColumns("STATION").Range).Value
                La = Intersect(lr.Range, lo.ListColumns("LATITUDE").Range).Value
                Lon = Intersect(lr.Range, lo.ListColumns("LONGITUDE").Range).Value

                'Write St La Long & KML Strings for Chosen Stations
                StrA = StrA & Sheets("kml").Range("B2").Value & St & Sheets("kml").Range("B4").Value & Lon & Sheets("kml").Range("B6").Value & La & Sheets("kml").Range("B8").Value


'Write end of KML strings to KML File
StrA = StrA & Sheets("kml").Range("B9").Value

'Open, write, close KML file
Open targetfile For Output As #1
Print #1, StrA
Close #1

'Message Box for prompting the launch of the KML file
MsgBoxTitle = ("Launch KML?")
MsgBoxPrompt = "Would you like to launch the KML File saved at " & targetfile & "?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Selecting 'No' will not prevent the file from being written."
MsgBoxResponse = MsgBox(MsgBoxPrompt, vbYesNo, MsgBoxTitle)
If MsgBoxResponse = 6 Then ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink targetfile

End Sub

2 回答

  • 0

    以下是对筛选表进行迭代的示例 . 这使用 ListObject 表比使用像表一样排列的一系列自动过滤单元更容易使用,但可以使用相同的一般想法(除非您不能调用非 ListObject 表的 DataBodyRange ) .


    Unfiltered table


    Filtered table

    请注意,已隐藏了多行,并且可见行不一定是连续的,因此我们需要使用表 DataBodyRange.Areas ,它们是 visible .

    正如您已经猜测的那样,您可以使用 .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) 来执行此操作 .


    Sub TestFilteredTable()
       Dim tbl As ListObject
       Dim rngTable As Range
       Dim rngArea As Range
       Dim rngRow As Range
       Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
       Set rngTable = tbl.DataBodyRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
       ' Here is the address of the table, filtered:
       Debug.Print "Filtered table: " & rngTable.Address
       '# Here is how you can iterate over all
       '  the areas in this filtered table:
       For Each rngArea In rngTable.Areas
          Debug.Print "  Area: " & rngArea.Address
             '# You will then have to iterate over the
             '  rows in every respective area
             For Each rngRow In rngArea.Rows
                Debug.Print "    Row: " & rngRow.Address
    End Sub


    Filtered table: $A$2:$G$2,$A$4:$G$4,$A$6:$G$6,$A$9:$G$10
      Area: $A$2:$G$2
        Row: $A$2:$G$2
      Area: $A$4:$G$4
        Row: $A$4:$G$4
      Area: $A$6:$G$6
        Row: $A$6:$G$6
      Area: $A$9:$G$10
        Row: $A$9:$G$9
        Row: $A$10:$G$10

    尝试并将此方法适用于您的问题,如果您在实施时遇到特定错误/问题,请告诉我们 .

  • 10

    我不得不在过滤后的数据中找到记录并更改一个值Sample data

    我想将销售人员代码更改为客户C00005 .

    首先我过滤并找到客户进行修改 .

    codcliente = "C00005"
    enter  'make sure that this customer exist in the checked range
     Set test = CheckRng.Find(What:=codcliente, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
      If test Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox ("Does not exist customer  """ & codcliente & """ !")
        DataSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
      Else 'Customer Exists
        With DataRng 'filter the customer
            .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=codcliente
        End With
       Set customer = DataRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) ´Get customer data. It is visible
       customer.Cells(1, 6).Value = "NN" 'navigate to 6th column and change code
    End If

    enter image description here
