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Spring Pageable接口的Swagger文档


我使用Spring Boot开发了一个微服务 . REST API的文档是使用Swagger完成的 . 一些REST资源利用Spring概念免费提供分页 . 以下是一个例子:

@RequestMapping(value = "/buckets", method = GET)
public PagedResources list(Pageable pageable, PagedResourcesAssembler assembler) {
    return bucketService.listBuckets(pageable, assembler);


enter image description here

我遇到的问题是使用content-type application / json检测pageable参数,我不知道如何传递值来更改页面大小 . 似乎忽略了所有值 .



compile 'io.springfox:springfox-spring-web:2.3.1'
compile 'io.springfox:springfox-swagger2:2.3.1'
compile 'io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.3.1'

6 回答

  • 0

    这是Spring-Fox的一个已知问题 . 见问题#755 . 根据zdila的评论2,此时替代方法是添加@ApiImplicitParams,这不是理想的但它确实有效 .

        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "page", dataType = "integer", paramType = "query",
                value = "Results page you want to retrieve (0..N)"),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "size", dataType = "integer", paramType = "query",
                value = "Number of records per page."),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sort", allowMultiple = true, dataType = "string", paramType = "query",
                value = "Sorting criteria in the format: property(,asc|desc). " +
                        "Default sort order is ascending. " +
                        "Multiple sort criteria are supported.")

    ![Swagger UI showing @ApiImplicitParams for Pageable]

    1 https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/755

    2 https://github.com/springfox/springfox/issues/755#issuecomment-135059871

  • 7

    基于Vineet Bhatia的答案,您可以将解决方案包装在自定义注释中以获得可重用性:

    @Target({ ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.TYPE })
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "page", dataType = "int", paramType = "query", value = "Results page you want to retrieve (0..N)"),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "size", dataType = "int", paramType = "query", value = "Number of records per page."),
        @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sort", allowMultiple = true, dataType = "string", paramType = "query", value = "Sorting criteria in the format: property(,asc|desc). "
                + "Default sort order is ascending. " + "Multiple sort criteria are supported.") })
    @interface ApiPageable {


    public Page<Data> getData(Pageable pageRequest) {
  • 23

    Vineet Bhatia对 @ApiImplicitParams 的回答看起来不错 . 但是我遇到了情况,当 @ApiIgnor@ApiParam(hidden = true) 不起作用时你仍然可以观察到整体和可分页的参数 . 我通过添加下一行来解决这个问题

    docket.ignoredParameterTypes(Pageable.class, PagedResourcesAssembler.class);

    我的 SwaggerConfig 中的Docket bean .

  • 5

    当您没有在localhost上运行时,Vineet Bhatia的答案会有验证问题 . 它将争论整数参数,它们不对应于json模式 .


            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "page", dataType = "string", paramType = "query",
                    value = "Results page you want to retrieve (0..N)"),
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "size", dataType = "string", paramType = "query",
                    value = "Number of records per page."),
            @ApiImplicitParam(name = "sort", allowMultiple = true, dataType = "string", paramType = "query",
                    value = "Sorting criteria in the format: property(,asc|desc). " +
                            "Default sort order is ascending. " +
                            "Multiple sort criteria are supported.")
  • 2
  • 1

    尽管具有隐式参数的解决方案有效,但它引入了许多额外的脆弱代码 . 最后,我们采用了以下解决方案:

    @GetMapping(value = "/")
    public HttpEntity<PagedResources<Item>> getItems(
        @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) Integer page,
        @RequestParam(value = "size", required = false) Integer size,
        PagedResourcesAssembler assembler) {
        Page<Item> itemPage = itemService.listItems(PageRequest.of(page, size, Sort.unsorted()));
        return new ResponseEntity<>(assembler.toResource(itemPage), HttpStatus.OK);

    我们将 PageRequest (实现 Pageable )传递给我们的服务,该服务返回 Page . (全部来自 org.springframework.data.domain ) .

    org.springframework.data.web.PagedResourcesAssembler 通过控制器方法自动注入,并允许将项映射到 org.springframework.hateoas.PagedResources

    我们不需要动态排序,所以我们省略了;由于springfox与org.springframework.data.domain.Sort的搭配不好,所以它对添加排序提出了一些挑战 .
