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Excel VBA脚本有条件地填充另一个工作表


我想为excel写一个VBA宏,我希望通过它可以有条件地将主表中的数据填充到另一张表中 .

例如,我的主表(“Sheet1”)有多行和多列 . 从Sheet1到Sheet2的数据填充条件应该基于这些条件



1 回答

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    我有一个代码,当列的 Headers 是某个字符串时复制列,这会有帮助吗?
    这就是我想出的 . 代码应该足够灵活,以适应您所拥有的任何类型的电子表格

    Dim keyColumn As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim keyWord As Variant 'I've used variant, so you can choose your own data type for the keyword
    Dim dataSh As String 'I'm using sheet names for sheet referencing
    Dim populateSh As String
    Dim rowNum As Integer
    Dim dataRow() As Variant
    Sub Populate()
    'set the column number, which contains the keywords, the keyword itself,
    'name of the sheet to populate and the row offset you'd like to start populating
        populateSh = "populate"
        keyColumn = 4
        keyWord = "yes"
        rowNum = 0
    'assuming you run the macro in the sheet you get the data from, get its name to return to it after copying the row
        dataSh = ActiveSheet.Name
    'loop through all the used cells in the column
        For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
            If Cells(i, keyColumn) = keyWord Then
    'starting in row 1 in the sheet you populate, you'll have to set the rowNum variable to desired offset few lines above
                rowNum = rowNum + 1
                Call copyRow(i, rowNum)
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub
    Sub copyRow(ByVal cRow As Integer, ByVal pRow As Integer)
        Dim colNum As Integer
    'set the number of columns you'd like to copy
        colNum = 3
    'redimension the array to carry the data to other sheet
    'this can be done any way you,d like, but I'm using array for flexibility
        ReDim dataRow(1 To colNum)
    'put the data into the array, as an example I'm using columns 1, 2 and 3, while skipping the keyword column.
        dataRow(1) = Cells(cRow, 1)
        dataRow(2) = Cells(cRow, 2)
        dataRow(3) = Cells(cRow, 3)
            For p = 1 To UBound(dataRow)
                Cells(pRow, p) = dataRow(p)
            Next p
    End Sub

    希望有所帮助 . 对不起任何样式错误提前
