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我有一个包含1K记录和10列的Excel 2007工作表 . 问题是,一个单元格包含多个数据,我需要向下移动到每个单元格中,我需要插入新行,因为向下移动数据会破坏其余的行和重叠 . 是他们的VBA代码或宏进程这样做 . 请帮忙 .

这是excel表 .

Category | Desciption       | Sizes      | Price
------   | ------
car      | Car Description  |  123  - M  | $20
                               1245 - XL | $50
                               1243 - XXL| $55
Car2     | Car2 Description |  123  - M  | $20
                               1245 - XL | $50
                               1243 - XXL| $55

我希望它清楚我想要实现的目标 . SIzes列数据在一个单元格上,我需要在插入行时将它们向下移动,以免干扰下面的其余数据 .

非常感谢 . 哈龙

1 回答

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    Option Explicit
    Sub main()
        Dim iRow As Long, nRows As Long, nData As Long
        Dim arr As Variant
        With Worksheets("data").Columns("C") '<--| assuming "Sizes" are in column "C"
            nRows = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row '<--| get column "C" last non empty row
            For iRow = nRows To 2 Step -1 '<--| loop through column "C" rows from the last one upwards
                With .Cells(iRow) '<--| reference column "C" current cell
                    arr = Split(.Value, vbLf) '<--| try and split cell content into an array with "linefeed" character as delimeter
                    nData = UBound(arr) + 1 '<--| count array items (Split generates 0-based array, so a 1-element array upperbound is 0)
                    If nData > 1 Then '<--| if there are more than 1 ...
                        .EntireRow.Offset(1).Resize(nData - 1).Insert '<--| insert rows beneath current cell
                        .Resize(nData).Value = Application.Transpose(arr) '<--| fill current cell and new ones beneath it with array values (you have to transpose it, since array is a 1-row array while you're writing into a 1-column range)
                        .Offset(, 1).Resize(nData).Value = Application.Transpose(Split(.Offset(, 1).Value, vbLf)) '<--| do the same filling with adjacent cell
                    End If
                End With
            Next iRow
        End With
    End Sub
