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我正在尝试创建一个宏,它将Sheet的A列(“Company”)中的值与“Current”的E列中的值相匹配 . 如果匹配,并且右边的单元格28(“当前”)为空,则我想将单元格复制到“公司”中相应单元格的右侧并粘贴它 . 它应循环遍历Sheet A列(“Company”)的所有值 . 为了增加难度,我很乐意如果我可以实现一种ActiveSheet实用程序,那么我可以将它应用到其他工作表而不仅仅是“公司” . 这是我的...

Option Explicit

Sub CopyPaster()

InvestorName As String

InvestorName = ActiveCell.Value

With Sheets("Current")

For i = 11 To 500:
    If i = InvestorName And Cells(i, 27) = 0 Then
        Sheets("Company").ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Copy          
        Sheets("Current").Cells(i, 28).PasteSpecial                
Next i

End Sub

首先显示当前工作表,第二个图像是我要复制的公司工作表之一的示例 .

1 回答

  • 1

    根据给出的信息,我认为这就是你所追求的 . 请仔细检查我是否选择了正确的列,如果没有要查看的数据,很难猜到你所指的是什么 .

    Sub StackExchangeVlookup()
    Dim Company As Worksheet
    Dim Current As Worksheet
    'set worksheets with the names of the sheets to compare
    Set Company = Sheets("Company")
    Set Current = Sheets("Current")
    Dim myRange As range
    Dim myCell As range
    'Set the range to the column you want to replace empty cells in. I think I counted
    'correctly, but maybe not. If AF is not correct, will also need to change the 32
    Set myRange = range("AF1", Cells(Rows.count, 32).End(xlUp))
    'if the cell is empty in the column AF (or whichever is the one you want, then use
    'the VLOOKUP function.
    For Each myCell In myRange
        If Len(myCell) = 0 Then
        'VLOOKUP will get the cell in column E of the row of the blank space in AF, compare
        'it to Column A in Company, and then return the value to the right of the cell found
        'in the Company sheet.
            myCell.Value = _
        "=VLOOKUP(" & Current.Name & "!E" & myCell.Row & "," & Company.Name & "!A:B, 2, FALSE)"
        End If
    Next myCell
    End Sub
