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我正在尝试将Sheet1选项卡中C2:G2范围内的数据复制到sheet2选项卡范围C4:C8 . 下面是我的代码,但它只是将工作表1的单元格c2中的值重复粘贴到工作表2范围C4:C8上 . 你能帮忙吗?




Sub ticker1() 'COPY DATA FROM ROW ONE SHEET INTO A COLUMN on another sheet
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C4:C8").Value = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("C2:G2").Value
End Sub

2 回答

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    你的代码非常接近 . 事实上,它可能有效 . 我不确定 . 使用select和activate是不可避免的问题 . Avoid it. .

    这不是一个真正的答案 . 当你正在学习编程时,只需要一些思考 . 我的评论以 {-- 开头

    Option Explicit ' {--option explicit forces you to declare your variables. Do this. Always.
    Sub ticker()
        '{group your variable declarations together}
        Dim numberOfCellsToCopy As Integer
        Dim currentCopyColumn As Integer
        Dim currentPasteRow As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        ' {--use a worksheet object instead of selecting}
        Dim srcWs As Worksheet
        Dim destWs As Worksheet
        'assign where to insert the columns
        currentCopyColumn = 2
        currentPasteColumn = 2
        numberOfCellsToCopy = 5
        ' {--Set worksheet objects}
        Set srcWs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("HistoricalDataRequest")
        Set destWs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SomeOtherWorksheet")
        For i = 2 To numberOfCellsToCopy  'loop increases by 1??? {--YES. It does.}
            ' {--indent your code so it's easier to see program flow
            ' {--I have no idea what you're trying to do here.... sorry. You're only copying one cell
        '   --so I really can't figure what you're trying to accomplish}
            'Range(Cells(2, currentCopyColumn), Cells(2, currentCopyColumn)).Select 'number =row
            'Selection.Copy 'number =row
            'Range(Cells(7, currentPasteColumn), Cells(7, currentPasteColumn)).Select
            ' {--copy/paste can be done in one line using a range object
            '   --range uses a cell name.}
            srcWs.Range("B2").Copy Destination:=destWs.Range("B7")
            ' { --or more in line with your method like this}
            srcWs.Range(srcWs.Cells(2, currentCopyColumn)).Copy Destination:=destWs.Range(destWs.Cells(7, currentPasteColumn))
            'increase the column index values to go to the next one
            currentCopyColumn = currentCopyColumn + 1
            currentPasteColumn = currentPasteColumn + 4
        Next i ' {--next i will increment the i var for you}
    End Sub
  • 0


    Sheets("Sheet5").Range("C4:C8").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Sheets("Sheet2").Range("C2:G2").Value)

    由于您的阵列处于不同的方向,因此转置功能将使它们正确对齐 .

    还有其他一些方法可以做到这一点,但这可能是最直接的(如果您的范围不需要太大的灵活性) .
