
public class Endorsement
    public Guid? ContractId { get; set; }
    public virtual Contract Contract { get; set; }

public class Contract
     public virtual ICollection<Endorsement> Sales { get; set; }

Endorsement 类没有相应的配置,但 Contract 类执行:

public class ContractConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Contract>
    public ContractConfiguration()
         HasMany(a => a.Sales).WithRequired(a => a.Contract).HasForeignKey(a => a.ContractId);

我正在尝试将 Endorsement 上的 Contract 更改为另一个 Contract

var endorsement = Context.Set<Endorsement>().Find(endorsementId);
var newContract = Context.Set<Contract>().Find(newContractId);
endorsement.Contract = newContract;
/* Instead of the line above, I have also tried endorsement.ContractId = newContract.Id;
   I have also tried newContract.Sales.Add(endorsement); and then setting the state of 
   the newContract entry to modified and saving, all with the same results.

var entry = Context.Entry(endorsement);
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;

Context.SaveChanges(); 抛出以下异常:

已成功提交对数据库的更改,但更新对象上下文时发生错误 . ObjectContext可能处于不一致状态 . 内部异常消息:发生参照完整性约束违规:关系一端的“Contract.Id”的属性值与另一端的“Endorsement.ContractId”的属性值不匹配 .
