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编写关于WSO2 CEP的自定义代理


我有关于Custom Broker的问题 .

我使用this博客文章中的示例尝试了Custom Broker .
我从“https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17922825/blog/cep-ext-broker.zip”下载了样本模板Custom Broker,我在 CEP_HOME/repository/components/lib 中放了 cep-broker-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar .

接下来,我将 broker.xml 放在 CEP_HOME/repository/conf 中 . 以下内容为 broker.xml

<brokerTypes xmlns="http://wso2.org/carbon/broker"><br>
   <brokerType class="org.test.cep.broker.TestBrokerTypeFactory"/><br>

然后,重新启动并登录管理控制台 .

但是,我在管理控制台上访问了Configure - > Broker - > Add,每次我将以下错误消息转储到Monitor - > System Logs

Error during rendering
Error during rendering
IO Error executing tag: JSPException while including path '/CEP/cep_buckets.jsp'. ServletException while including page.
IO Error executing tag: JSPException while including path '/CEP/cep_buckets.jsp'. ServletException while including page.
JSPException while including path '/CEP/cep_buckets.jsp'.
JSPException while including path '/CEP/cep_buckets.jsp'.
Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getEngineProvidersInfo 
Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getEngineProvidersInfo 
Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getEngineProvidersInfo 
Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getEngineProvidersInfo

此外,当我访问配置 - >代理 - >列表,主 - > CEP桶 - >添加和列表时,我得到相同的错误 .

我使用的是WSO2 CEP 2.1.0版 .

如果我需要解释更多,我会在以后添加更多信息 .
我恳请你帮助我 .

1 回答

  • 0

    我们检查了在网站上传的包,Custom Broker组件在包中已损坏..我们已经在网站上再次上传了正确的工作包..请从[1]再次下载包

    [1] http://wso2.com/products/complex-event-processor/


