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View Model中的JSON值仅显示为[object Object]


这将是一个菜鸟问题 . 我正在开发我的第一个NativeScript应用程序,一个简单的GPS跟踪器 . 这只是一种观点 . 我得到了 Location 插件,它可以很好地将位置数据输出到控制台 . 它似乎也更新了View Model . 但是当我尝试将它绑定到 Label 元素的文本时,它只显示[object Object],无论我做什么 .

The view model:

var observableModule = require("data/observable");

function viewModel() {

    return new observableModule.fromObject({
        "locations": [],
        "lastLocation": {
            "latitude": "0",
            "longitude": "0",
            "altitude": 0,
            "horizontalAccuracy": 0,
            "verticalAccuracy": 0,
            "speed": "0",
            "direction": "0",
            "timestamp": new Date().toISOString()
        "lastUpload": "Unknown"


module.exports = viewModel;

The view XML: (只是重要部分)

<Label text="Current location:"/>
<Label text="{{ lastLocation?.latitude }} ; {{ lastLocation?.longitude }}" />

<Label text="Last location update:"/>
<Label text="{{ lastLocation?.timestamp }}" />

<Label text="Last successful upload:"/>
<Label text="{{ lastUpload }}" />

The code:

var frameModule = require("ui/frame");
var viewModel = require("./home-view-model");
var geolocation = require("nativescript-geolocation");
var dialog = require("ui/dialogs");

var viewModel = new viewModel();

function onLoaded(args) {

    page = args.object;
    page.bindingContext = viewModel;

    var enableLocation = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            success => resolve(),
            error => reject(error)

        () => {
            watchId = geolocation.watchLocation(
                function (loc) {
                    if (loc) {
                        viewModel.lastLocation = loc;
                        console.log(viewModel.lastLocation.latitude + ' ; ' + viewModel.lastLocation.longitude);
                function (e) {
                    dialogsModule.alert('Location error: ' + e.message);
                    desiredAccuracy: 3,
                    updateDistance: 0,
                    minimumUpdateTime: 10000

        error => {
            dialogsModule.alert('Location error: ' + e.message);


exports.onLoaded = onLoaded;

console.log 行正确显示纬度和经度值 . 视图显示[object Object],但它显示 lastUpload 值 . 我在视图中做错了什么?

1 回答

  • 0

    哦,是的,这是一个noob问题 . 解决方案是我不应该在模板中使用问号 .

    <Label text="Current location:"/>
    <Label text="{{ lastLocation.latitude }} ; {{ lastLocation.longitude }}" />
    <Label text="Last location update:"/>
    <Label text="{{ lastLocation.timestamp }}" />

    现在它有效 .
