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Excel VBA按其他工作表上的单元格值进行筛选并使用公式


So I figured out the first part of my question- how to filter by values on other worksheets, the code I used is shown bellow. However, I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong with "average" formula portion

Sub Filtering_Average()
' Filtering Macro

'Turn off filtering that has already been applied
Worksheets("Sold Homes").Cells.AutoFilter

Worksheets("Sold Homes").Range("A1").Select

Dim zipcode As Range, bedroom As Range, soldprice As Range
  Set zipcode = Worksheets("Enter Info").Range("B2")
  Set bedroom = Worksheets("Enter Info").Range("K2")
'defining "soldprice" as range that starts in R2 and continues until a blank cell, on sheet "Sold Homes"
    Set soldprice = Worksheets("Sold Homes").Range("R2",     Range("R1").End(xlDown))

'Filtering data in Sold Homes sheet based on zip code and Bedroom count
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$T$15001").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=zipcode
    ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$T$15001").AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=bedroom

'go to the sheet "Enter Info"
Worksheets("Enter Info").Select
'Select cell "AM16"
'Calculate the average of the cells defined by "soldprice"
ActiveCell.Formula = "=Average(soldprice)"

End Sub

Question 1 = answered 我有一张包含多张纸的工作簿,但我主要关注的两张纸是Sheet("Enter Info")和Sheet("Sold Homes")

正如您可能已经猜到的那样,“已售出房屋”表中包含了在我所在地区销售的房屋的数据 . 我有15,000个家庭的数据,每个家庭都在自己的行中 . 我需要通过2个条件过滤该数据:

1st 我需要通过邮政编码过滤15,000行 . 邮政编码保存在单元格B2中的"enter info"表上 . 邮政编码位于"Sold Homes"表的Field = 1中 .

2nd 我需要根据房屋的卧室数量来优化现在过滤的数据 . 住宅的卧室数量保存在单元格K2的“输入信息”表中 . 卧室的数量在"Sold Homes"表上的字段= 10中找到 .

我知道如何编写VBA宏来通过邮政编码进行简单的过滤,然后按指定数量的卧室进行过滤,但我需要根据我在“输入信息”中放入单元格B2和K2的内容进行调整和过滤片 .

Question 2

在“售完房屋”表单上过滤数据后,我需要找到现在显示的房屋的平均销售价格 . 每个住宅的销售价格的数据可在“售出的房屋”表的“R”栏中找到 . 最大的复杂因素是,在应用两个过滤条件后返回的房屋数量各不相同 .

例如:邮编11111,卧室数= 3,返回50个家 . 因此,我想平均50个家庭

Zipvode 22222,卧室数= 4,返回36个家 .

我需要一种方法来仅选择R列中具有美元金额的单元格(非空白)作为我的平均函数 . 如果我选择整个列R,我会得到15,000个主页列表中每个房子的平均值,因为过滤会像隐藏不在所选参数中的单元格那样 .

非常感谢提前 . 对不起,我第一次没有发布我的代码 .

1 回答

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    Option Explicit
    Sub Filtering_Average()
        ' Filtering Macro
        Dim zipcode As Range, bedroom As Range, soldprice As Range
        With Worksheets("Enter Info")
            Set zipcode = .Range("B2")
            Set bedroom = .Range("K2")
            Set soldprice = .Range("AM16")
        End With
        With Worksheets("Sold Homes")
            With .Range("A1:T" & .Cells(.Rows.count, "R").End(xlUp).Row)
                .AutoFilter 'Turn off any previous filtering
                .AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=zipcode
                .AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=bedroom
                If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(103, .Resize(, 1)) > 1 Then soldprice.Value = WorksheetFunction.Average(.Resize(.Rows.count - 1, 1).Offset(1, 17).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible))
            End With
            .AutoFilterMode = False
        End With
    End Sub
