我可以使用\ autoref 创建对表或图形的引用,但是在引用表时我可以't find a way to jump back to the original section or page. I would like to find a way to jump back to a section just like my bibliography does. When I cite an entry to my bibliography, I can jump to the given reference and jump back to the original page or section by clicking on the page number created next to the reference. Is there a way in latex to jump back to original page when referencing tables or figures? See the code below. I can easily jump to my bibliography (References) and back but I can' t跳回原始页面 . 查看使用以下代码创建的pdf:https://login.filesanywhere.com/fs/v.aspx?v=8c69678b58616fb6a4ad


   author={Arrow, Kenneth J. and Leonid Hurwicz and Hirofumi Uzawa},
   title={Constraint qualifications in maximization problems},
   journal={Naval Research Logistics Quarterly},

       author* = {Charalambos D. Aliprantis and Kim C. Border},
       year = {1994},
       title = {Infinite Dimensional Analysis},
       publisher = {Springer},
       address = {Berlin}


\usepackage[top=1.3cm, bottom=1.0cm, left=2cm, right=2cm,footskip=.5cm] 

\title{Table test}

The Valley~\cite{ab94} Project and the State Water Project collect Delta Smelt at fish facilities ~\cite{ahu61} co-located with water export pumps.  Salvage daily totals were kept separated on two tables \autoref{tab:tab1} on page \pageref{tab:tab1}.\par

\begin{tabular}{ p{4cm} p{4cm} p{4cm} }
\hline \\ [-1.5ex]
colname & colname & colname \\ [1ex]
\hline \\ [-1.5ex]
Info & info & info \\ [1ex]
Info & info & info \\ [1ex]
Info & info & info \\ [1ex]
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{   References}

