我正在试验我自己的特征是否有关闭;我的特征有一个关闭输出的关联类型 .

这很好用,在 Fn 的返回位置有关联的类型:

trait MyFn<Input> {
    type State;

    fn call(&self, state: &mut Self::State, input: Input);

impl<Input, State, F> MyFn<Input> for F where F: Fn(Input) -> State {
    type State = State;

    fn call(&self, state: &mut State, input: Input) {
        *state = self(input);

但是我无法在 Fn 的参数位置使用相同的关联类型:

impl<Input, State, F> MyFn<Input> for F where F: Fn(&mut State, Input) {
    type State = State;

    fn call(&self, state: &mut State, input: Input) {
        self(state, input)


error[E0207]: the type parameter `State` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> src/lib.rs:15:13
15 | impl<Input, State, F> MyFn<Input> for F where F: Fn(&mut State, Input) {
   |             ^^^^^ unconstrained type parameter

当然,类型参数 Statewhere 谓词的约束?