
我有一个表示多项式的结构,我想要多个多项式来引用相同的 mutable Aliases 对象 . 在JavaScript中,我将创建 Aliases 对象的实例并将其分配给 p1.aliasesp2.aliases 等等 . 在Rust中,据我所知,我需要使用 RefCell ,它应该执行引用计数,因为Rust中没有垃圾收集器:

extern crate rand;

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::*;

pub struct Aliases {
    pub idx_to_name: HashMap<i16, String>,
    pub name_to_idx: HashMap<String, i16>,

pub struct Polynome {
    pub poly: BTreeMap<i16, f64>,
    pub aliases: RefCell<Aliases>,

impl Aliases {
    pub fn new() -> Aliases {
        Aliases {
            idx_to_name: HashMap::new(),
            name_to_idx: HashMap::new(),

impl Polynome {
    pub fn new() -> Polynome {
        Polynome {
            poly: BTreeMap::new(),
            aliases: RefCell::new(Aliases::new()),
    pub fn clone(&self) -> Polynome {
        Polynome {
            poly: self.poly.clone(),
            aliases: self.aliases,

但是我在 clone() 中遇到了编译错误:

error[E0507]: cannot move out of borrowed content
  --> src/main.rs:36:22
36 |             aliases: self.aliases,
   |                      ^^^^ cannot move out of borrowed content

克隆 Polynome 的正确方法是什么,以便所有克隆引用相同的 Aliases 实例?

请注意,此问题与How to represent shared mutable state?不重复 . 因为如果我尝试组织带有生命周期声明的引用,那么:

pub struct Polynome<'a> {
    pub poly: BTreeMap<i16, f64>,
    pub aliases: &'a RefCell<Aliases> 


pub fn new() -> Polynome<'a> {
    let alias= RefCell::new (Aliases::new());
    Polynome {
        poly: BTreeMap::new(),
        aliases: &alias,

     error[E0597]: `alias` does not live long enough
24 |             aliases: &alias,
   |                       ^^^^^ does not live long enough
25 |         }
26 |     }
   |     - borrowed value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'a as defined on the impl at 19:1...

如果我需要它在外面生活:: new(),我应该如何创建别名实例?