我正在将用TypeScript(tsx)编写的新组件添加到由vanilla ES6 react组件(jsx)组成的现有代码库中 . 将现有的jsx-components导入tsx-component时,我正在为jsx-components添加类型定义 .

My issue is how do I add a type definition for a jsx-component that is connected to redux using connect


class DateField extends React.Component {

function mapStateToProps(state) {
  return {
    locale: state.systemUser.language.langKey

export default connect(mapStateToProps) (DateField);

How would a typedefintion look like for this component?


import * as React from 'react';
import * as moment from "moment";

export type IonDateFieldChange = (value: string | Date | moment.Moment) => void;
export interface IDateFieldProps {
  value: string | Date | moment.Moment
  onChange?: IonDateFieldChange
  placeholder?: string
declare class DateField extends React.Component<IDateFieldProps,any> {}