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我正在考虑创建一个程序,给定一个布尔表达式,例如,true和false xor true将括号放在“operations”周围,并返回结果为true的新方程式 . 我该怎么做,从哪里开始?动态编程中是否有一个小算法我应该搜索?

1 回答

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    这里有一个观察结果是,如果最终得到一个完全括号的表达式,整个表达式中将会有一些顶级运算符 . 基于该运算符,如果许多不同情况之一成立,则整个表达式将评估为真 . 例如,如果顶级运算符是AND,则如果AND的左侧和右侧的子表达式为真,则表达式为true . 如果顶级操作是OR,则如果左或右子表达式求值为true,则整个表达式的计算结果为true . 如果顶级运算符是NOT,则如果NOT的子表达式为false,则整个表达式为true .

    您可以想象一个自上而下的递归算法,其工作方式如下:对于每个运算符,暂时假设它是顶级运算符,并递归地确定所讨论的子表达式是否具有适当的真值 . 如果是这样,公式可以成立 . 如果没有,它不能 .

    这里可能的子表达式/真值对的数量是O(n2),因为每个子表达式只是原始表达式的子阵列,并且它们只有O(n2) . 因此,会出现很多重叠的子问题,因此您可以使用memoization或自下而上的动态编程自上而下计算结果 .

    这似乎是一个非常有趣的问题,所以我实际上用C编写了这个(不幸的是,C,不幸的是,因为这看起来很难 . ):

    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <unordered_map>
    #include <utility>
    #include <cassert>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
     * Enumerated type: Symbol
     * A type representing a symbol that can appear in a boolean expression.
    enum Symbol {
     * Alias: Subproblem
     * A name for a type representing one of the subproblems in the memoized
     * solution. Each subproblem corresponds to a subarray (given by a start
     * and end position) and an expected truth value (either true or false.)
    using Subproblem = tuple<size_t, size_t, bool>;
    namespace std {
      template <> struct hash<Subproblem> {
        bool operator()(const Subproblem& s) const {
          return hash<size_t>()(get<0>(s)) + 31 * hash<size_t>()(get<1>(s)) + 127 * hash<bool>()(get<2>(s));
    /* Internal implementation. */
    namespace {
       * Function: canYield(const vector<Symbol>& formula,
       *                    size_t start, size_t end,
       *                    unordered_map<Subproblem, bool>& subproblems,
       *                    bool expected);
       * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
       * Determines whether the subexpression in range [start, end) of the formula
       * given by formula can be made to evaluate to result. Memoizes its results
       * to avoid extraneous computations.
      bool canYield(const vector<Symbol>& formula,
            size_t start, size_t end,
            unordered_map<Subproblem, bool>& subproblems,
            bool expected) {
        /* Edge case check: we shouldn't have an empty range. */
        assert (end > start);
        /* Begin by seeing if we've already computed this. If so, we're done!
         * If not, we have to do some work. By the time this if statement finishes,
         * soln should be valid.
        const Subproblem thisSubproblem = make_tuple(start, end, expected);
        if (!subproblems.count(thisSubproblem)) {
          /* Base case: If this is a single-element range, it must be either
           * to TRUE or FALSE, and we should be able to read off the answer
           * directly.
          if (start + 1 == end) {
        /* This has to be TRUE or FALSE; otherwise the formula is malformed. */
        assert (formula[start] == TRUE || formula[start] == FALSE);
        /* See whether the enumerated constant matches the expected value. */
        bool isTrue = (formula[start] == TRUE);
        subproblems[thisSubproblem] = (isTrue == expected);
          /* Otherwise, we have a longer range. */
          else {
        /* If this range begins with a NOT, one option is to parenthesize
         * the rest of the expression to try to get the opposite of what's
         * expected.
        if (formula[start] == NOT &&
            canYield(formula, start + 1, end, subproblems, !expected)) {
          subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
        } else {
          /* Iterate over the range, trying to put all binary operators at
           * the top level if possible. If any of them work, we're done!
          for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
            /* To handle AND and OR, we'll use the fact that de Morgan's laws
             * allows us to unite a bunch of cases together.
            if (formula[i] == AND || formula[i] == OR) {
              /* Here's the observatino. If we're trying to make an AND true
               * or an OR false, we need to get both subformulas to match
               * the expected truth value. If we're trying to make an AND false
               * or an OR true, we need to get one subformula to match the
               * expected truth value. So we need to see the parity of the
               * combination of AND/OR and whether we want true/false.
              bool parity = ((formula[i] == AND) == expected);
              /* If the parities match, we're either looking for an AND/true
               * or an OR/false.
              if (parity &&
              canYield(formula, start, i, subproblems, expected) &&
              canYield(formula, i+1, end, subproblems, expected)) {
            subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
              /* If the parities disagree, we're either looking for AND/false
               * or OR/true.
              else if (!parity &&
                   (canYield(formula, start, i, subproblems, expected) ||
                canYield(formula, i+1, end, subproblems, expected))) {
            subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
            /* If we see an XOR or IFF, we can similarly use a de Morgan's
             * trick.
            else if (formula[i] == XOR || formula[i] == IFF) {
              /* If we're looking for an XOR/true or an IFF/false, then we
               * need exactly one of the two subproblems to be true. If we're
               * looking for an XOR/false or an IFF/true, then we need both
               * of the subproblems to be true or both to be false. Let's
               * start by determining which case we're in.
              bool parity = ((formula[i] == XOR) == expected);
              /* Fire off the four subproblems we need to consider. */
              bool fTrue  = canYield(formula, start, i, subproblems, true);
              bool fFalse = canYield(formula, start, i, subproblems, false);
              bool sTrue  = canYield(formula, i+1, end, subproblems, true);
              bool sFalse  = canYield(formula, i+1, end, subproblems, false);
              /* If we have true parity, we're looking for XOR/true or IFF/
               * false, so we want the first and second halves to disagree.
              if (parity && ((fTrue && sFalse) || (fFalse && sTrue))) {
            subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
              /* Otherwise, we're looking for equal parity, so we need the
               * first and second halves to agree.
              else if (!parity && ((fTrue && sTrue) || (fFalse && sFalse))) {
            subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
            /* Implications are their own can of worms since they're so 
             * different than everything else.
            else if (formula[i] == IMPLIES) {
              /* For 'true,' we check if the antecedent can be made false
               * or the consequent made true.
              if (expected &&
              (canYield(formula, start, i, subproblems, false) ||
               canYield(formula, i+1, end, subproblems, true))) {
            subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
              /* For 'false,' we see if the antecedent is true and the
               * consequent is false.
              if (!expected &&
              canYield(formula, start, i, subproblems, true) &&
              canYield(formula, i+1, end, subproblems, false)) {
            subproblems[thisSubproblem] = true;
        /* Return the solution we found. Notice that as a cute trick, if we didn't
         * record a true value in the course of solving the problem, then this
         * read will default to false - which is what we wanted!
        return subproblems[thisSubproblem];
     * Function: canParenthesizeToYieldTrue(const vector<Symbol>& formula);
     * Usage: if (canParentheiszeToYieldTrue({FALSE, AND, NOT, FALSE})) // false
     *        if (canParenthesizeToYieldTrue({NOT, FALSE, AND, FALSE})) // true
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Given a boolean expression, returns whether it's possible to add parentheses
     * into the expression in a way that causes that expression to evaluate to
     * true. It is assumed that this formula is well-formed and nonempty.
    bool canParenthesizeToYieldTrue(const vector<Symbol>& formula) {
      /* Table for memoizing whether each subproblem is solvable or not. */
      unordered_map<Subproblem, bool> subproblems;
      return canYield(formula, 0, formula.size(), subproblems, true);
    /* Prints out an expression in a nice form. */
    void printExpr(const vector<Symbol>& problem) {
      for (Symbol s: problem) {
        switch (s) {
        case TRUE:    cout << "true";     break;
        case FALSE:   cout << "false";    break;
        case AND:     cout << " /\\ ";    break;
        case OR:      cout << " \\/ ";    break;
        case NOT:     cout << "!";        break;
        case XOR:     cout << " + ";      break;
        case IFF:     cout << " <-> ";    break;
        case IMPLIES: cout << " -> ";     break;
        default: assert(false);
    /* Runs a test case to see if the program behaves as expected. */
    void check(const vector<Symbol>& problem, bool expected) {
      bool result = (canParenthesizeToYieldTrue(problem) == expected);
      if (result) {
        cout << "  pass: ";
        cout << endl;
      else {
        cout << "! FAIL: ";
        string throwaway;
        getline(cin, throwaway);
    int main() {
      /* Basic logic checks. */
      check({TRUE}, true);
      check({FALSE}, false);
      check({NOT, TRUE}, false);
      check({NOT, FALSE}, true);
      check({TRUE, AND, TRUE}, true);
      check({TRUE, AND, FALSE}, false);
      check({FALSE, AND, TRUE}, false);
      check({FALSE, AND, FALSE}, false);
      check({TRUE, OR, TRUE}, true);
      check({TRUE, OR, FALSE}, true);
      check({FALSE, OR, TRUE}, true);
      check({FALSE, OR, FALSE}, false);
      check({TRUE, XOR, TRUE}, false);
      check({TRUE, XOR, FALSE}, true);
      check({FALSE, XOR, TRUE}, true);
      check({FALSE, XOR, FALSE}, false);
      check({TRUE, IFF, TRUE}, true);
      check({TRUE, IFF, FALSE}, false);
      check({FALSE, IFF, TRUE}, false);
      check({FALSE, IFF, FALSE}, true);
      check({TRUE, IMPLIES, TRUE}, true);
      check({TRUE, IMPLIES, FALSE}, false);
      check({FALSE, IMPLIES, TRUE}, true);
      check({FALSE, IMPLIES, FALSE}, true);
      /* Harder ones! */
      check({TRUE, AND, NOT, TRUE}, false);
      check({NOT, TRUE, AND, TRUE}, false);
      check({FALSE, AND, NOT, FALSE}, false);
      check({NOT, FALSE, AND, FALSE}, true);
      check({TRUE, OR, NOT, TRUE}, true);
      check({NOT, TRUE, OR, TRUE}, true);
      check({FALSE, OR, NOT, TRUE}, false);
      check({NOT, TRUE, OR, FALSE}, false);
      check({NOT, FALSE, IMPLIES, TRUE}, true);
      check({NOT, FALSE, IMPLIES, FALSE}, false);
      check({NOT, FALSE, XOR, TRUE}, false);
      check({NOT, FALSE, IFF, FALSE}, false);
      /* Ridiculous */
      check({NOT, NOT, FALSE, OR, FALSE, OR, FALSE}, false);
