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使用Boost :: interprocess在共享内存中的<int,void *>映射




managed_shared_memory segment(create_only ,"MyMap"  ,size);       

ShMemAllocator_t alloc_inst (segment.get_segment_manager());

 map =   segment.construct<MyMap_t>("MyMap")      

Map 中的值如下:

typedef pair<MutexType, boost::interprocess::offset_ptr<void> > ValueType ;

MutexType本身是一个包含read和write mutex的结构(使用read_lock和write_lock);定义如下:

typedef struct  mutex_struct{ 
   sharable_lock<interprocess_mutex> read_lock(interprocess_mutex, defer_lock); 
  scoped_lock<interprocess_mutex> write_lock(interprocess_mutex, defer_lock); 
} MutexType;

“size”是映射的总大小(就对象而言,所有void指针指向的数据大小的总和) .

如何确保此void *数据也位于我创建的此内存段中,如何在现有共享内存区域中实例化它 . 这样做的原因是我想只分配一次这个大缓冲区,但是反复删除/添加对象( Map 模拟缓存)我还没有找到一种方法,可以在同一个内存段中分配多个对象在 Map 内 . 此外,寻求分配MutexType对返回编译错误,指出没有提供“call”操作符 .

2 回答

  • 12

    你基本上已经在那里了 . 调用您在共享内存中分配的任何对象类型 SecondValue_t . 而不是 ShMemAllocator_t ,定义一个不同的进程间分配器类型,比如 SecondValueAllocator_t ,用于分配 SecondValue_t 对象 . 每当要将 ValueType 对象插入到映射中时, ValueType 对象的第二个值将与 SecondValueAllocator_t 实例一起分配 .

    这是一个完整的示例,部分使用my answer中的代码Interprocess reader/writer lock with Boost

    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <functional>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <utility>
    #include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/allocators/private_node_allocator.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/containers/map.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/sync/interprocess_upgradable_mutex.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/sync/scoped_lock.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/sync/sharable_lock.hpp>
    #include <boost/interprocess/sync/upgradable_lock.hpp>
    #define SHARED_MEMORY_NAME "SO13783012-MyMap"
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13783012/map-of-int-void-in-shared-memory-using-boostinterprocess
    using namespace boost::interprocess;
    typedef int SecondValue_t;
    typedef allocator<SecondValue_t, managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> SecondValueAllocator_t;
    typedef struct mutex_struct {
    } MutexType;
    typedef std::pair<MutexType, SecondValueAllocator_t::pointer> ValueType;
    typedef map<int, ValueType>::value_type MyMapValueType;
    typedef allocator<MyMapValueType, managed_shared_memory::segment_manager> MyMapEntryAllocator_t;
    typedef map<int, ValueType, std::less<int>, MyMapEntryAllocator_t> MyMap_t;
    struct shared_data {
        typedef boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex upgradable_mutex_type;
        mutable upgradable_mutex_type mutex;
        MyMap_t my_map;
        shared_data(const MyMapEntryAllocator_t& alloc)
            : my_map(MyMap_t::key_compare(), alloc)
        // Tries to get the mapped value for the given key `k'. If successful, the mapped value is
        // copied into `out' and `true' is returned. Otherwise, returns `false' and does not modify
        // `out'.
        bool try_get(MyMap_t::mapped_type& out, MyMap_t::key_type k) const {
            boost::interprocess::sharable_lock<upgradable_mutex_type> lock(mutex);
            MyMap_t::const_iterator pos = my_map.find(k);
            if (pos != my_map.end()) {
                out = pos->second;
                return true;
            return false;
        void put(MyMap_t::key_type k, MyMap_t::mapped_type v) {
            boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<upgradable_mutex_type> lock(mutex);
            my_map.insert(MyMap_t::value_type(my_map.size(), v));
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        if (argc != 2) {
            std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " WHICH\n";
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        const std::string which = argv[1];
        if (which == "parent") {
            BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT(argc) {
            } BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_END;
            managed_shared_memory shm(create_only, SHARED_MEMORY_NAME, 65536);
            MyMapEntryAllocator_t entry_alloc(shm.get_segment_manager());
            shared_data& d = *shm.construct<shared_data>("theSharedData")(entry_alloc);
            SecondValueAllocator_t second_value_alloc(shm.get_segment_manager());
            // Insert some test data.
            SecondValueAllocator_t::pointer p;
            p = second_value_alloc.allocate(1);
            second_value_alloc.construct(p, -3);
            d.put(0, std::make_pair(MutexType(), p));
            p = second_value_alloc.allocate(1);
            second_value_alloc.construct(p, 70);
            d.put(1, std::make_pair(MutexType(), p));
            p = second_value_alloc.allocate(1);
            second_value_alloc.construct(p, -18);
            d.put(2, std::make_pair(MutexType(), p));
            p = second_value_alloc.allocate(1);
            second_value_alloc.construct(p, 44);
            d.put(3, std::make_pair(MutexType(), p));
            p = second_value_alloc.allocate(1);
            second_value_alloc.construct(p, 0);
            d.put(4, std::make_pair(MutexType(), p));
            // Go to sleep for a minute - gives us a chance to start a child process.
        } else {
            managed_shared_memory shm(open_only, SHARED_MEMORY_NAME);
            std::pair<shared_data *, std::size_t> find_res = shm.find<shared_data>("theSharedData");
            if (!find_res.first) {
                std::cerr << "Failed to find `theSharedData'.\n";
                return EXIT_FAILURE;
            shared_data& d = *find_res.first;
            MyMap_t::mapped_type v;
            int i = 0;
            for (; d.try_get(v, i); ++i) {
                std::cout << i << ": " << *v.second << '\n';
            // Add an entry.
            SecondValueAllocator_t second_value_alloc(shm.get_segment_manager());
            SecondValueAllocator_t::pointer p = second_value_alloc.allocate(1);
            second_value_alloc.construct(p, (rand() % 200) - 100);
            d.put(i, v = std::make_pair(MutexType(), p));
            std::cout << "placed " << *v.second << " into the map.\n";
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    ./SO13783012 parent


    ./SO13783012 child


    > ./SO13783012 child
    0: -3
    1: 70
    2: -18
    3: 44
    4: 0
    placed 5: -63 into the map.
    > ./SO13783012 child
    0: -3
    1: 70
    2: -18
    3: 44
    4: 0
    5: -63
    placed 6: -42 into the map.
    > ./SO13783012 child
    0: -3
    1: 70
    2: -18
    3: 44
    4: 0
    5: -63
    6: -42
    placed 7: -28 into the map.
  • 0

    您可以在allocator <>中使用rebind

    //    convert an allocator<T> to allocator<U>
    template<typename U>
    struct rebind {
        typedef Allocator<U> other;


    typedef std::allocator< char, managed_shared_memory::segment_manager > char_alloc;


    char_alloc char_alloc_obj;
    char * ptr = new (char_alloc_obj.allocate(size)) char[size];
    void * vptr = (void *) ptr;

    默认的std :: allocator <>是state less . 共享内存分配器将具有状态,因此您需要弄清楚如何在不同类型的分配器之间复制状态 .
