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使用贪心算法编写一个贪婪的算法,以尽可能少的硬币进行更改 . 您将获得一组硬币值和金额:computeChange(硬币,金额) . 返回一个包含每个硬币计数的数组 . 例如:computeChange([50,25,10,5,1],137)应返回数组[2,1,1,0,2],表示每枚硬币的数量:2个50美分,1个季度(25美分),1毛钱(10美分),没有镍(5美分),2便士(1美分),总计137美分 . 从computeChange返回的数组应该与第一个参数(硬币)的长度相同 . 假设硬币按降序包含不同硬币类型的值 . 贪心算法说你反复寻找小于或等于剩余金额的最大硬币,然后从剩余金额中减去该硬币 . 当剩余金额达到零(或更少)时,返回所用硬币的数量 . (此算法并不总是最优的 . )您可以更改变量COINS,它可以提供可用于进行更改的不同硬币的值,以及AMOUNT,它是要进行更改的总值 . 更改这些值可能对调试程序很有用 .

这是我的代码,但我没有显示36美分的标准变化 . 谁能帮我?谢谢 .

    <title>The Greedy Algorithm</title>


// ======== Here is the problem to be solved:   ========
COINS = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1];
AMOUNT = 137
coincount = [0,0,0,0,0];

// ======== Here is where your solution begins: ========

// define the function named computeChange here:
function computeChange(coins, amount) {
  var i = 0; var creminder = AMOUNT; var ccoin; 

    while( i < COINS.length )
      while ( COINS[i] <= creminder )
        creminder = creminder - COINS[i];
        ccoin = coincount [i] ;
        ccoin += 1;
        coincount [i] = ccoin ;



    return coincount;

// ===================================================================
// ======== Everything below here simply displays your output ========
// ======== Do NOT change anything below this line ===================
// ===================================================================

function rightJustify(s, w) {
    // return a string of width w with s in the rightmost characters and
    // at least one space on the left. For simplicity, assume w < 20.
    var slen = s.length;
    var blanks = "                    "
    return blanks.substr(0, Math.min(20, Math.max(1, w - slen))) + s;

function makeChange() {
    // compute change as an array: each element of change tells
    // how many of the corresponding value in COINS to give. The
    // total value should equal AMOUNT.
    var change = computeChange(COINS, AMOUNT);
    // now format the results. Output should look like:
    //    1       50
    //    0       25
    //    1       10
    //    1        5
    //    3        1
    // TOTAL AMOUNT: 68 (total is correct)
    // First, we'll do some type checking in case change is not of the
    // expected type.
    change = [].concat(change); // force whatever it is to be an array
    // it should be an array of numbers, so let's check
    for (i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {
        if (typeof(change[i]) != 'number') {
            return "Error: the function computeChange did not return " +
                   "an array of numbers.";
    if (change.length > COINS.length) {
        return "Error: the function computeChange returned an array " +
               "longer than the length (" + COINS.length + ") of COINS.";
    if (change.length < COINS.length) {
        return "Error: the function computeChange returned an array " +
               "shorter than the length (" + COINS.length + ") of COINS.";
    var output = "<pre>NUMBER   VALUE\n"
    var sum = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < change.length; i++) {
        sum += change[i] * COINS[i];
        var n = change[i].toString();
        var a = COINS[i].toString();
        output += rightJustify(n, 4) + rightJustify(a, 9) + "\n";
    output += "TOTAL AMOUNT: " + sum + " (total is ";
    output += (sum == AMOUNT ? "correct" :
                               "incorrect, should be " + AMOUNT) + ")\n";
    return output;

function runSolution()
    parent.console.log('loaded, calling runSolution()\n');
    parent.console.log('answer: ' + document.getElementById('answer').toString());
    document.getElementById('answer').innerHTML = makeChange();

    <!-- the output is displayed using HTML     -->
    <!-- the ? will be replaced with the answer -->
    <div id = "answer">?</div></p>

3 回答

  • 1

    思考:在阅读完回复之后,首先想到的是这可能会用于我们在这里看不到的其他代码,所以我们需要使函数足以通过输入来解决问题,而不是使用 GLOBAL VALUES ,如 AMOUNTCOINScoincount ,相反,使用像 coinsamount 这样的参数,并返回自己创建的 coincount .


    function computeChange(coins, amount) {
        // Create a array that is used to return the final result, instead of the global one.
        var coincount = [];
        // use the given `amount` to set `creminder ` rather than `AMOUNT` which may not be accessible if your code is called otherplace rather than here.
        var i = 0; var creminder = amount; var ccoin;
        while( i < coins.length )
          // Lazily init the used coin for coin type i to 0.
          coincount[i] = 0;
          while ( coins[i] <= creminder )
            creminder = creminder - coins[i];
            ccoin = coincount[i];
            ccoin += 1;
            coincount[i] = ccoin;
        return coincount;

    您的原始版本的 creminderAMOUNT 确定,因此无论我调用 computeChanges(COINS, AMOUNT) 还是 computeChanges(COINS, 37) ,结果都是相同的,因为第二个示例中的 37 未使用,被忽略且 creminder 仍设置为 AMOUNT . Nina Scholz和我都做的是给出 amount 帐户,所以当你的函数生成结果集时这很重要 .

  • 4


    • 您获得 coinsamount 的值 . 即使存在此值的本地副本,原始函数也会访问 COINSAMOUNT .

    • creminder 不是必需的,因为你有 amount .

    • ccoin 不是必需的,因为您可以直接从金额中减去所选硬币的值 .

    var COINS = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1],
        AMOUNT = 36; //137
    function computeChange(coins, amount) {
        var i = 0,
            coincount = coins.map(function () { return 0; }); // returns an array and for each element of coins zero
        while (i < coins.length) {
            while (coins[i] <= amount) {
                amount -= coins[i];
        return coincount;
    out(JSON.stringify(computeChange(COINS, AMOUNT), null, 4), true);
    function out(s, pre) {
        var descriptionNode = document.createElement('div');
        if (pre) {
            var preNode = document.createElement('pre');
            preNode.innerHTML = s + '<br>';
        } else {
            descriptionNode.innerHTML = s + '<br>';
    <div id="out"></div>
  • 0

    虽然上面的答案非常正确,但我认为人们也可以用不同的方式思考这个特定问题的解决方案 .

    computeChange([50, 25, 10, 5, 1], 137) 为例,可以使用单个循环来获得所需的解决方案 .

    function computeChange(changeArray, amount) {
      const result = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < changeArray.length; i++) {
        let changeAmount = Math.floor(amount / changeArray[i]);
        amount -= (changeArray[i] * changeAmount);
      return result;
    computeChange([50, 25, 10, 5, 1], 137); //  [2, 1, 1, 0, 2]
