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Oracle SQl从保存在表字段中的sql语句中填充过程中的游标


我们希望在从表中的select语句填充的过程中填充游标 .

我们创建了一个名为stored_sql_statments的表,其中包含2列Created_date和Sql_statement . 在该表中,我们将插入一个select语句,该语句根据客户端的需要从数据库中选择其他数据 . 示例:插入到stored_sql_statments(Created_date,Sql_statement)值('2/1/2011','选择Client_idn,来自cool_table的something_neat,其中animal ='dog'')

然后在这个过程中,我们有一堆代码可以完成它需要做的事情,它永远不会改变,但是我们在游标中的select语句会定期更改 . 我们总是需要返回2个字段,但select语句的其余部分会更改 .

所以现在我们需要在过程中使用select语句填充表格中的游标 . 如果它只返回1行我们有:声明x varchar2(600); rec1号码(10); rec2 varchar2(15);开始执行立即从stored_sql_statments中选择Sql_statement为x,其中created_date ='2/1/2011';执行立即x到rec1,rec2; ...

这是有效的,但我们不需要它进入我需要它进入游标的2个变量 . 真正的select语句(上面的代码只是我们需要做的一个简单例子)带回了数千条记录,因此我们需要使用游标 .


所以,如果有人知道如何做到这一点,将不胜感激 .

2 回答

  • 0

    你想尝试dynamically populate a ref cursor吗?如果这样做并不难:

    set serveroutput on
     sql1 varchar2(500);
     sql2 varchar2(500);
     procedure runProcess(sqlstatement IN varchar2)
         refcrs sys_refcursor;
         DTE DATE;
         open refcrs for
          sqlstatement; -- use 'using' to bind those variables
              fetch refcrs into DTE, LEVELB;
              exit when refcrs%notfound;
              dbms_output.put_line(TO_CHAR(DTE,'MMDDYYYY') || '/' || LEVELB);
            end loop;     
        CLOSE REFCRS;     
     END runProcess;
        sql1 := 'select (sysdate - level) a, level b from dual connect by level < 5';
        sql2:= 'select (sysdate + level) a, -level b from dual connect by level < 5';
    end ;
    select (sysdate - level) a, level b from dual connect by level < 5
    select (sysdate + level) a, -level b from dual connect by level < 5

    如您所见,我在同一过程中动态执行两个不同的select语句并输出结果 .

  • 0
    SQL> drop table stack_overflow;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table stack_overflow (created_date date constraint stack_overflow_pk primary key
      2      , sql_statement varchar2(4000) not null)
      3  /
    Table created.
    SQL> drop table source_data;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table source_data (vc varchar2(10) null
      2      , n number);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into source_data values ('a', 100);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into source_data values ('a', 0);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into source_data values ('b', 50);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into source_data values ('c', null);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into stack_overflow values (sysdate - 3/24, 'select vc, sum(n)
      2      from source_data
      3      group by vc
      4      order by vc asc');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into stack_overflow values (sysdate - 2/24 , 'select vc, avg(n)
      2      from source_data
      3      group by vc
      4      order by vc desc');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into stack_overflow values (sysdate - 1/24 , 'select vc, count(*)
      2      from source_data
      3      group by vc');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into stack_overflow values (sysdate, 'select vc, count(n)
      2      from source_data
      3      group by vc');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> declare
      2      type stack_overflow_type is record (col_1 varchar2(10), col_2 number);
      3      type stack_overflow_cur_type is ref cursor return stack_overflow_type;
      4      cursor sql_statement_cur is select sql_statement
      5          from stack_overflow
      6          order by created_date;
      7      --
      8      function get_cursor_by_date (i_created_date in date) return stack_overflow_cur_type is
      9          l_return_cur sys_refcursor; -- stack_overflow_cur_type;
     10          l_sql_statement stack_overflow.sql_statement%TYPE;
     11      begin
     12          select sql_statement into l_sql_statement
     13          from stack_overflow
     14          where created_date = i_created_date;
     15          --
     16          open l_return_cur for l_sql_statement;
     17          return l_return_cur;
     18      end get_cursor_by_date;
     19      --
     20      procedure process_and_close_cursor (i_cursor in stack_overflow_cur_type) is
     21          l_current_rec stack_overflow_type;
     22      begin
     23          loop
     24              fetch i_cursor into l_current_rec;
     25              exit when i_cursor%NOTFOUND;
     26              dbms_output.put_line('col_1: ' || l_current_rec.col_1
     27                  || ' col_2: ' || to_number(l_current_rec.col_2));
     28          end loop;
     29          --
     30          close i_cursor;
     31      end;
     32      --
     33  begin
     34      for l_row in (select created_date
     35          from stack_overflow
     36          order by created_date)
     37      loop
     38          dbms_output.put_line('Processing the SQL statement created on: '
     39             || to_char(l_row.created_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS'));
     40          --
     41          process_and_close_cursor(get_cursor_by_date(l_row.created_date));
     42          --
     43          dbms_output.new_line;
     44      end loop;
     45  end;
     46  /
    Processing the SQL statement created on: 2011-02-11 10:01:16
    col_1: a col_2: 100
    col_1: b col_2: 50
    col_1: c col_2:
    Processing the SQL statement created on: 2011-02-11 11:01:16
    col_1: c col_2:
    col_1: b col_2: 50
    col_1: a col_2: 50
    Processing the SQL statement created on: 2011-02-11 12:01:17
    col_1: a col_2: 2
    col_1: b col_2: 1
    col_1: c col_2: 1
    Processing the SQL statement created on: 2011-02-11 13:01:17
    col_1: a col_2: 2
    col_1: b col_2: 1
    col_1: c col_2: 0
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
