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我已经创建了一个应用程序,可以下载一些数据并使用Google Charts将其绘制到具有特定 Iddiv .

这在静态页面上工作正常 . 但是,当使用菜单在多个视图之间切换时,我很难在切换回适当的视图时重绘图表 .

如果我在更新模型时使用命令重绘图表,则请求失败,因为尚未呈现特定的 div .

Model-View-UpdateView 阶段完成后有没有办法触发命令?还是重新绘制图表的更好方法?

示例代码如下(不可运行,但应该直接遵循) . 单击“获取数据”按钮工作正常,但如果您切换到另一页并返回,我找不到再次绘制图表的方法 .

module Client

open Elmish
open Elmish.React

open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props

open Fulma

type View = ShowChart | NoChart
type Model = { View: View; Values: float[] option }

type Msg =
    | RequestValues
    | ReceiveValues of float[]
    | PageWithChart
    | PageWithoutChart
    | DrawChart

let init () : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    { View = ShowChart; Values = None }, []

let update (msg : Msg) (currentModel : Model) : Model * Cmd<Msg> =
    match msg with
    | RequestValues -> currentModel, Cmd.ofMsg (ReceiveValues [| 1.0; 3.0; 2.0 |])  // normally this would be a long-running process
    | ReceiveValues values -> { currentModel with Values = Some values }, Cmd.ofMsg DrawChart
    | DrawChart ->
        match currentModel.Values with
        | Some values ->
            let series = TheGamma.Series.series<_, _>.values values
            let chart = TheGamma.GoogleCharts.chart.line series
            TheGamma.GoogleCharts.chart.show chart "Chart1"
        | None -> ()
        currentModel, []
    | PageWithChart ->
        match currentModel.Values with
        | Some _ -> { currentModel with View = ShowChart }, Cmd.ofMsg DrawChart // FAILS as the div with Id="Chart1" does not exist yet
        | None -> { currentModel with View = ShowChart }, []
    | PageWithoutChart -> { currentModel with View = NoChart }, []

let button txt onClick =
        [ Button.OnClick onClick ]
        [ str txt ]

let view (model : Model) (dispatch : Msg -> unit) =
    match model.View with
    | NoChart ->
        div []
          [ div [] [ str "Page without chart" ]
            button "Show page with chart" (fun _ -> dispatch PageWithChart) ]
    | ShowChart ->
        div []
          [ div [] [ str "Page with chart" ]
            button "Get data" (fun _ -> dispatch RequestValues)
            button "Show page without chart" (fun _ -> dispatch PageWithoutChart )
            div [ Id "Chart1" ] [] ]

open Elmish.Debug
open Elmish.HMR

Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withHMR
|> Program.withReact "elmish-app"
|> Program.run


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2 回答

  • 1

    您可以使用 Ref 属性检测何时安装了无状态react元素 .

    例如,这是我在我的 生产环境 应用程序中使用的:

    div [ Id "Chart1"
          Ref (fun element ->
              // Ref is trigger with null once for stateless element so we need to wait for the second trigger
              if not (isNull element) then
                  // The div has been mounted check if this is the first time
                  if model.IsJustLoaded then
                      // This is the first time, we can trigger a draw
                      dispatch DrawChart 
        [ ]

    另一种方法是将 div [ Id "Chart1" ] [ ] 转换为有状态的反应组件,并在调用 componentDidMount 时触发绘制 .

  • 4

    它是如何处理它的一般概念 . 在你的鞋子里,我可能会使用Promise implementation from the Fable Powerpack,并将它设置为:

    • 图表绘制代码尚未绘制图表,它只返回一个承诺,当解析时,将绘制图表 .

    • 在视图函数中的div之后,立即使用this hack触发一些解析promise的Javascript代码,触发draw()事件 . (或者,如建议的in another answer to that question,将该代码放在视图底部的 script 元素中,以便其执行不会解决该承诺) .

    对不起,这太模糊了;如果我看到你的代码,我可能会提出更具体的建议 . 特别是,我还没有想出更好的主意 . 但承诺相关的东西似乎是处理这种情况的最佳方式 .
