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我有一个简单的F#区分联合,它结合了bool,一个字符串和一个浮点数 . 我想覆盖此联合的Object.Equals(arg),以便在检查浮点相等时我可以放入epsilon来解决精度错误 . 编译器抱怨说如果我覆盖this.Equals(arg),我也应该重写this.GetHashCode()和this.CompareTo(arg) . 对于这些覆盖,我没有计划特殊功能,所以我只想调用这些方法的默认版本 . 在我的实现中,我有三次调用GetHashCode,并且对我所区分的并集中的每种类型调用CompareTo三次:每种类型一次 .

有没有办法只用一次GetHashCode调用来编码GetHashCode覆盖? CompareTo的问题是什么?我所区分的联盟中的所有类型都实现了ICompareable .

type MyType =
    | Bool of bool
    | Str of string
    | Float of float

    override this.Equals(arg) =
        let epsilon = 0.1
        match arg with
        | :? MyType as other ->
            match this, other with
            | Bool(a), Bool(b) -> a = b
            | Str(a), Str(b) -> a = b
            | Float(a), Float(b) -> Math.Abs(a - b) < epsilon
            | _ -> false
        | _ -> false

    override this.GetHashCode() =
        match this with
        // Three calls to GetHashCode.  I'd like only one
        | Bool(a) -> a.GetHashCode()
        | Str(a) -> a.GetHashCode()
        | Float(a) -> a.GetHashCode()
        | _ -> 0

    interface System.IComparable with
        member this.CompareTo arg =
            match arg with
                | :? MyType as other ->
                    match this, other with
                    // Three calls to CompareTo.  I'd like only one
                    | Bool(a), Bool(b) -> a.CompareTo(b)
                    | Str(a), Str(b) -> a.CompareTo(b)
                    | Float(a), Float(b) -> a.CompareTo(b)
                    | _ -> 0
                | _ -> 0

1 回答

  • 5

    您可以定义一个帮助器属性来提取DU的内容为 obj

    member this.Value = 
      match this with
      | Bool(b) -> box b
      | Str(s) -> box s
      | Float(f) -> box f

    然后你可以通过获取值来实现 GetHashCode (这涉及一些装箱,所以它会慢一点)并在返回的对象上调用 GetHashCode

    override this.GetHashCode() =
