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Outlook VBA 宏阻止运行指定的电子邮件帐户


我一直在使用 Office 365 Outlook 帐户。现在,我配置了 3 个电子邮件帐户。因为我创建了 VBA 宏脚本。我不希望这个脚本在我所有的电子邮件帐户中都运行。我只想在指定的帐户中运行 VBA 脚本。如何实现呢?


  • test@test.com,

  • test1@test.com,

  • test2@test.com。

我只想在以下位置执行我的 VBA 代码

  • test@test.com,

  • test1@test.com,

在以下位置未运行 VBA 脚本

  • test2@test.com


Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
    Dim recips As Outlook.Recipients
    Dim recip As Outlook.Recipient
    Dim pa As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
    Dim prompt As String
    Dim strMsg As String

    Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x39FE001E"

    Set recips = Item.Recipients
    For Each recip In recips
        Set pa = recip.PropertyAccessor
        If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "@newsdozens.com") = 0 Then
        If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "@newsdozens2.com") = 0 Then
        If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "@bnewstest.com") = 0 Then
            strMsg = strMsg & "   " & pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS) & vbNewLine
        End If
        End If
        End If

    If strMsg <> "" Then
        prompt = "This email will be sent outside of newsdozens.com to:" & vbNewLine & strMsg & "Do you want to proceed?"
        If MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Check Address") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
    End If
End Sub

3 回答

  • 0


    Dim Session As Outlook.NameSpace
    Dim Accounts As Outlook.Accounts
    Dim currentAccount As Outlook.Account
    Set Session = Application.Session    
    Set Accounts = Session.Accounts
    For Each currentAccount In Accounts                    
        Debug.Print currentAccount.SmtpAddress
        If currentAccount.SmtpAddress <> "test2@test.com" Then
            '  call your macro
        End If
  • 0

    有多种获取发件人信息的方法。这应该适用于 EX 或 SMTP 地址。

    Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
        Debug.Print Item.SenderEmailAddress
        ' use text from the debug.print, that is unique to the account
        If InStr(Item.SenderEmailAddress, "test2") Then Exit Sub
        ' code here for all other accounts
    End Sub
  • 0

    如果不需要为特定帐户运行 VBA 宏,则可以在ItemSend事件中检出发件人的电子邮件地址,并取消其他任何操作:

    Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
       If InStr(LCase(Item.SenderEmailAddress), "test2@test.com") = 0 Then Exit Sub
       Dim recips As Outlook.Recipients
       Dim recip As Outlook.Recipient
       Dim pa As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
       Dim prompt As String
       Dim strMsg As String
       Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x39FE001E"
      Set recips = Item.Recipients
      For Each recip In recips
        Set pa = recip.PropertyAccessor
        If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "@newsdozens.com") = 0 Then
        If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "@newsdozens2.com") = 0 Then
        If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "@bnewstest.com") = 0 Then
            strMsg = strMsg & "   " & pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS) & vbNewLine
        End If
        End If
        End If
      If strMsg <> "" Then
        prompt = "This email will be sent outside of newsdozens.com to:" & vbNewLine & strMsg & "Do you want to proceed?"
        If MsgBox(prompt, vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbMsgBoxSetForeground, "Check Address") = vbNo Then
            Cancel = True
        End If
      End If
    End Sub
