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大小为 K 的整数分区


给定一个F non-negative 个整数的向量v,我想要一个一个地创建大小为F且总和为v的所有可能的K向量集。我称 C 为这 K 个向量的矩阵。 C 的行总和为v

例如,如果设置为 K=2,则大小为 F=2 的向量(1,2)可以分解为:

# all sets of K vectors such that their sum is (1,2)
C_1 = 1,0   C_2 = 1,0  C_3 = 1,0 C_4 =  0,1   C_5 = 0,1  C_6 = 0,1
      2,0         1,1        0,2        2,0         1,1        0,2

目标是对每个可能的 C 应用一些功能。当前,我使用此代码,在其中我 pre-compute 所有可能的 C,然后遍历它们。

K <- 3
F <- 5
v <- 1:F

partitions <- list()
for(f in 1:F){
  partitions[[f]] <- compositions(n=v[f],m=K)

# Each v[f] has multiple partitions. Now we create an index to consider
# all possible combinations of partitions for the whole vector v.
npartitions <- sapply(partitions, ncol)
indices <- lapply(npartitions, function(x) 1:x)
grid <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, indices)) # breaks if too big

for(n in 1:nrow(grid)){
  selected <- c(grid[n,])
  C <- t(sapply(1:F, function(f) partitions[[f]][,selected[f]]))

  # Do something with C

但是,当尺寸太大(F,K 很大)时,组合数量会爆炸,expand.grid无法处理。

我知道,对于给定位置 v [12],我可以一次创建一个分区

partition <- firstcomposition(n=v[f],m=K)
nextcomposition(partition, v[f],m=K)

但是,如何像上面的代码那样使用它来生成所有可能的 C?

1 回答

  • 1
    npartitions <- ......
    indices <- lapply(npartitions, function(x) 1:x)
    grid <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, indices))


    这是返回整数n的 Cantor 展开的函数:

    aryExpansion <- function(n, sizes){
      l <- c(1, cumprod(sizes))
      nmax <- tail(l,1)-1
      if(n > nmax){
        stop(sprintf("n cannot exceed %d", nmax))
      epsilon <- numeric(length(sizes))
        k <- which.min(l<=n)
        e <- floor(n/l[k-1])
        epsilon[k-1] <- e
        n <- n-e*l[k-1]


    expand.grid(1:2, 1:3)
    ##   Var1 Var2
    ## 1    1    1
    ## 2    2    1
    ## 3    1    2
    ## 4    2    2
    ## 5    1    3
    ## 6    2    3
    aryExpansion(0, sizes = c(2,3)) + 1
    ## [1] 1 1
    aryExpansion(1, sizes = c(2,3)) + 1
    ## [1] 2 1
    aryExpansion(2, sizes = c(2,3)) + 1
    ## [1] 1 2
    aryExpansion(3, sizes = c(2,3)) + 1
    ## [1] 2 2
    aryExpansion(4, sizes = c(2,3)) + 1
    ## [1] 1 3
    aryExpansion(5, sizes = c(2,3)) + 1
    ## [1] 2 3


    npartitions <- ......
    indices <- lapply(npartitions, function(x) 1:x)
    grid <- as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, indices))
    for(n in 1:nrow(grid)){
      selected <- grid[n,]


    npartitions <- ......
    for(n in seq_len(prod(npartitions))){
      selected <- 1 + aryExpansion(n-1, sizes = npartitions)
