我正在研究一种新的机器人并尝试实施人工切换 . 我正在使用Directline 3.0在BotFramework-WebChat客户端和我的bot(在Azure Bot服务上托管)之间进行通信 .

我的问题是,当我的机器人试图从用户向代理或代理发送消息给用户时,我从Directline API收到401错误 .

为了进一步解释这个问题,我们只需要讨论观察状态 . 在代码中,客户消息通过中间件拦截 . 如果确定状态为正在观看,则客户消息被路由到机器人和观察代理 .

从机器人到用户的消息,与 session.send('foo') 一起发送的工作正常,但是从机器人到代理的消息,发送方式如下:

address = conversation.agent;

// the commented codes makes the whole thing work...
// address.useAuth = true;

agentMessage = new builder.Message()

bot.send(agentMessage, (err) => {

除非我添加一个 useAuth 标志,否则不起作用 . 我在ChatConnector.js实现中找到了这个标志,它似乎决定(正如你猜的那样)消息在发送时是否使用了授权请求 . 您可以在上面的代码中看到我可以自己设置此标志,但这是一个hacky解决方案,它似乎绕过了真正的应用程序逻辑 .

这整件事感觉不对,我觉得如果没有直接设置 useAuth ,我就会明白如何使这些请求工作 .

这里's a bit of the relevant code from my handoff client. I'已从下面删除了一些代码,仅在会话处于等待状态时关注来自客户的消息 .

/* this middleware is used by the bot */
public routingMiddleware(bot: builder.UniversalBot) {
    return {
        //intercepts messages from user to bot
        botbuilder: (session: builder.Session, next: Function) => {
            // Pass incoming messages to routing method
            if (session.message.type === 'message') {
                this.routeMessage(session, bot, next);
            } else {
                // allow messages of non 'message' type through

private routeMessage(session: builder.Session, bot: builder.UniversalBot, next: Function) {
    this.routeCustomerMessage(session, bot, next);

private async routeCustomerMessage(session: builder.Session, bot:builder.UniversalBot, next: Function) {
    const message = session.message;
    let agentMessage: builder.Message;
    let address: any;

    // method will either return existing conversation or a newly created conversation if this is first time we've heard from customer
    const conversation = await this.getConversation({ customerConversationId: message.address.conversation.id }, session);

    // log the user's message to persistent storage
    await this.addToTranscript({ customerConversationId: conversation.customer.conversation.id }, message, session);

    switch (conversation.state) {
        case ConversationState.Watch:
            address = conversation.agent;

            // the commented codes makes the whole thing work...
            // address.useAuth = true;

            agentMessage = new builder.Message()

            bot.send(agentMessage, (err) => {
            return next();