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我试图从我的BST删除根节点,然后打印树 inorder . 根删除似乎是一个问题,所有其他节点都被成功删除 .

Root是20 .

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正如你在删除后看到的那样,bintree并不像预期的那样 . 粗体键是不需要的 . 以下是我的代码

void treeDeleteNode (binTreeT **tree, binTreeT *node)
    binTreeT *succs;
    binTreeT *parent;
    binTreeT *root = *tree;

    if (node->rchild == NULL) {
        transplantTree (&root, node, node->lchild);
    else if (node->lchild == NULL) {
        transplantTree (&root, node, node->rchild);
    else {
        succs = treeMin (node->rchild);
        parent = getParentNode (root, succs);
        if (parent != node) {
            transplantTree (&root, succs, succs->rchild);
            succs->rchild = node->rchild;
        transplantTree (&root, node, succs);
        succs->lchild = node->lchild;

void transplantTree (binTreeT **root, binTreeT *old, binTreeT *new)
    binTreeT *rootRef = *root;
    binTreeT *parent;

    parent = getParentNode(rootRef, old);
    if (NULL == parent) {
        *root = new;
    else {
        if (parent->lchild == old) {
            parent->lchild = new;
        else {
            parent->rchild = new;

binTreeT* treeMin (binTreeT *tree)
    while (tree->lchild != NULL) {
        tree = tree->lchild;
    return tree;

binTreeT* getParentNode(binTreeT *root, binTreeT* node)
    binTreeT *parent = NULL;

    while (root->data != node->data) {
        parent = root;
        if (node->data < root->data) {
            root = root->lchild;
        else if(node->data > root->data) {
            root = root->rchild;
    return parent;

void inOrderPrint (binTreeT *tree)
    if (NULL != tree) {
        inOrderPrint (tree->lchild);
        printf("%d \t", tree->data);
        inOrderPrint (tree->rchild);


3 回答

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    在函数 treeDeleteNode 中,每次调用 transplantTree 函数时,都应将 tree 作为第一个参数而不是 &root 传递 . 这是因为可以在此函数中修改根节点,并且应该对 tree 变量本身进行这些更改 .

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    else {
        succs = treeMin (node->rchild);
        parent = getParentNode (root, succs);
        if (parent != node) {
            transplantTree (&root, succs, succs->rchild);
            succs->rchild = node->rchild;
        transplantTree (&root, node, succs);
        succs->lchild = node->lchild;

    else {
        succs = treeMin (node->rchild);
        parent = getParentNode (root, succs);
        if (parent != node) {
            //TODO:copy succs'content to node instead
            transplantTree (&root, succs, succs->rchild);
        else {
            transplantTree (&root, node, succs);
            succs->lchild = node->lchild;
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    void treeDeleteNode (binTreeT **tree, binTreeT *node)
        binTreeT *sub;
           //* find the place where node should be */
        while (*tree) {
            if (*tree == node) break;
            if ( node->data <= (*tree)->data) tree = &(*tree)->lchild;
            else tree = &(*tree)->rchild;
            /* not found: nothing to do (except freeing node) */
        if ( !*tree) { free(node); return; }
            /* When we get here, *tree points to the pointer that points to node. 
            ** If any of the {l,r}pointers is NULL, the other
            ** will become the new root of the subtree (replacing node)
        if ( !node->lchild) { *tree = node->rchild; free(node); return; }
        if ( !node->rchild) { *tree = node->lchild; free(node); return; }
            /* cut off left subchain of tree, save it, and set it to NULL */
        sub = node->lchild;
        node->lchild = NULL;
            /* find leftmost subtree of right subtree of 'node' */
        for (*tree = node->rchild; *tree; tree =  &(*tree)->lchild) {;}
            /* and put the remainder there */
        *tree = sub;
