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我正在使用Processing . 这是我的全部素描:

import guicomponents.*;

PImage backgroundImage;

void setup() {      
  size(911, 715); 
  backgroundImage = loadImage("Floorplan.png");
void draw() {
  GImageButton[] buttons = {
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10),
    new GImageButton(this, null, "wm.png", 1, 10, 10)

(这只是一个演示来说明我遇到的问题 . )如果运行的时间足够长,将生成一个 OutOfMemoryError

An OutOfMemoryError means that your code is either using up too much memory
because of a bug (e.g. creating an array that's too large, or unintentionally
loading thousands of images), or that your sketch may need more memory to run.
If your sketch uses a lot of memory (for instance if it loads a lot of data files)
you can increase the memory available to your sketch using the Preferences window.
Exception in thread "Image Fetcher 2" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
An OutOfMemoryError means that your code is either using up too much memory
because of a bug (e.g. creating an array that's too large, or unintentionally
loading thousands of images), or that your sketch may need more memory to run.
If your sketch uses a lot of memory (for instance if it loads a lot of data files)
you can increase the memory available to your sketch using the Preferences window.
    at java.awt.image.DataBufferInt.<init>(DataBufferInt.java:41)
    at java.awt.image.Raster.createPackedRaster(Raster.java:458)
    at java.awt.image.DirectColorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(DirectColorModel.java:1015)
    at sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation.createBufferedImage(ImageRepresentation.java:230)
    at sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation.setPixels(ImageRepresentation.java:528)
    at sun.awt.image.ImageDecoder.setPixels(ImageDecoder.java:120)
    at sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.sendPixels(PNGImageDecoder.java:531)
    at sun.awt.image.PNGImageDecoder.produceImage(PNGImageDecoder.java:452)
    at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(InputStreamImageSource.java:246)
    at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(ImageFetcher.java:172)
    at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.run(ImageFetcher.java:136)
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at processing.core.PImage.<init>(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PApplet.loadImageMT(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PApplet.loadImage(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PApplet.loadImage(Unknown Source)
    at guicomponents.GImageButton.getImages(GImageButton.java:136)
    at guicomponents.GImageButton.<init>(GImageButton.java:100)
    at gimage_demo.draw(gimage_demo.java:35)
    at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PApplet.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

为什么会发生这种情况?当数组在 draw() 末尾超出范围时,内存是否会收集垃圾?

我试图让按钮抽搐时遇到这个问题 . 我找不到改变其位置的方法,所以我只是在我想要的新位置创建了一个新的位置 . 有一个更好的方法吗?

2 回答

  • 1

    查看代码(http://code.google.com/p/gui4processing/source/browse/trunk/GUI4Processing/src/guicomponents/G4P.java?r=331)显示所有 GImageButton 实例都存储在静态HashMap中 . 我看起来很难看 . 因此他们没有资格获得垃圾收集 .

    我希望答案是创建一次按钮(例如在 setup 中),然后在 draw 中使用它们(除非你能找到相当于 dispose() 的方法) .

  • 1


    唯一可以保证的是 buttons 数组在超出范围时有资格进行垃圾回收 . 对于 GImageButton 对象及其成员,它取决于 GImageButton 构造函数具有的副作用 .

    确保构造函数在第一个参数(在你的例子中是 this )上没有"register",并且没有进行缓存,或者构造函数中的 GImageButton 没有't leak it' s this 引用等 .
