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我想链接一个滑块和一个输入文本区域,这样当我更改一个时,另一个会自动更新 . 我找到了elm-reactor的实现,它使用本机JavaScript并使用回调 . 移动滑块时会调用回调,但是当从文本区域更改值时,我无法移动它 .

4 回答

  • 3

    事实并非那么难 . 此代码显示如何设置两种输入类型的值 .

    import Html exposing (div, text, input)
    import Html.Attributes as H exposing (..)
    import Html.Events as E 
    mbox = 
      Signal.mailbox "0"
    view v =
        evth = E.on "change" E.targetValue (Signal.message mbox.address)
      div [] 
        [ input 
          [ type' "range"
          , H.min "0"
          , H.max "20"
          , value v
          , evth
          ] []
        , input
          [ type' "text", value v, evth ] []
    main =
      Signal.map view mbox.signal

    Update for 0.17

    import Html exposing (Attribute, div, text, input)
    import Html.App as Html
    import Html.Attributes as H exposing (..)
    import Html.Events exposing (on, onInput)
    import Json.Decode exposing (string, map)
    import String
    type alias Model = Int
    type Msg
        = Update String
    update : Msg -> Model -> Model
    update (Update v) model =
        String.toInt v |> Result.withDefault 0
    view model =
      div []
        [ input
          [ type' "range"
          , H.min "0"
          , H.max "20"
          , value <| toString model
          , onInput Update
          ] []
        , text <| toString model
    main =
        { model = 0
        , view = view
        , update = update

    Update for 0.18

    import Html exposing (Attribute, div, text, input)
    import Html.Attributes as H exposing (..)
    import Html.Events exposing (on, onInput)
    import Json.Decode exposing (string, map)
    import String
    type alias Model = Int
    type Msg
        = Update String
    update : Msg -> Model -> Model
    update (Update v) model =
        String.toInt v |> Result.withDefault 0
    view model =
      div []
        [ input
          [ type_ "range"
          , H.min "0"
          , H.max "20"
          , value <| toString model
          , onInput Update
          ] []
        , text <| toString model
    main =
        { model = 0
        , view = view
        , update = update

    runelm example

  • 18

    基本思想是在模型中使用一个数字的规范表示 . 每当它发生变化时(这将是一个动作),你不关心变化的来源,你只需要更新模型 . 然后根据模型中数字的值渲染文本区域和滑块 . (我们说的只是一个单独的文本字段,而不是一个自由形式的段落框,对吧?)


  • 1

    来自Simon H的原始答案, Update for Elm 0.18:

    import Html exposing (Attribute, div, text, input, beginnerProgram)
    import Html.Attributes as H exposing (..)
    import Html.Events exposing (on, onInput)
    type alias Model = Int
    type Msg
        = Update String
    update : Msg -> Model -> Model
    update (Update v) model =
        String.toInt (Debug.log "" v) |> Result.withDefault 0
    view model =
      div []
        [ input
          [ type_ "range"
          , H.min "0"
          , H.max "20"
          , value <| toString model
          , onInput Update
          ] []
        , text <| toString model
    main =
        { model = 0
        , view = view
        , update = update
  • 1

    Updated to Elm 0.19 来自banncee 's update to 0.18 from Simon H'的原始答案

    import Browser
    import Html exposing (Attribute, div, text, input)
    import Html.Attributes as H exposing (..)
    import Html.Events exposing (on, onInput)
    type alias Model = Int
    type Msg
        = Update String
    init : Model
    init = 0
    update : Msg -> Model -> Model
    update (Update v) model =
        case String.toInt v of
            Just i -> i
            Nothing -> model
    view model =
      div []
        [ input
          [ type_ "range"
          , H.min "0"
          , H.max "20"
          , value  <| String.fromInt model
          , onInput Update
          ] []
        , text <|String.fromInt model
    main =
            { init = init
            , view = view
            , update = update
