我需要一些帮助: how to insert geojson polygons into a mongodb database and query, based on the coordinates of a certain point, all the polygons which are located at a certain distance from that point


var testJson =  {
    "type" : "Polygon",
    "properties": {},
    "geometry" : [
            [ 40.8003, -73.9580 ],
            [ 40.7968, -73.9498 ],
            [ 40.7648, -73.9737 ],
            [ 40.7681, -73.9814 ],
            [ 40.8003, -73.9580 ]

我想将它保存到mongodb数据库并能够查询它 . 为此,我执行以下操作:

  • 我创建了一个猫鼬模式:

var GeoSchema = mongoose.Schema({“type”:{“type”:String},“properties”:{“type”:Object},“geometry”:{“type”:Array,“index”:'2dsphere' }};

  • 我创建了一个猫鼬模型:

var GeoModel = mongoose.model('GeoModel',GeoSchema);

  • 我将geojson保存到我的数据库:

var post = new GeoModel(testJson);

post.save(function(err,doc){if(err)throw err; console.log(“After Save:\ n%s”,JSON.stringify(doc,undefined,4));});

  • 最后,我搜索并找到记录:

GeoModel.find({geometry:[[40.8003,-73.9580],[40.7968,-73.9498],[40.7648,-73.9737],[40.7681,-73.9814],[40.8003,-73.9580]]},函数(错误,记录){if(err)return console.log(err); console.log(records);});

The issues I need help with:

我将以多边形的形式加载大量的geojson数据 .

可以说我位于以下坐标: 40.8003, -73.9580

对于x公里的距离,我希望能够使用范围内的所有多边形 .


        geometry: {
            $near : {
                $geometry : { 
                    type : "Point" , 
                    coordinates : [40.8003, -73.9580]  
                $maxDistance : 20000
    }, function(err, records) {
        if (err) return console.log(err);


{ [MongoError: Unable to execute query: error processing query: ns=coverageMap.geomodels limit=1000 skip=0
Tree: GEONEAR  field=geometry maxdist=20000 isNearSphere=0
Sort: {}
Proj: {}
 planner returned error: unable to find index for $geoNear query]
  name: 'MongoError',
  message: 'Unable to execute query: error processing query: ns=coverageMap.geomodels limit=1000 skip=0\nTree: GEONEAR  field=geometry maxdist=20000 isNearSphere=0\nSort: {}\nProj: {}\n planner returned error: unable to find index for $geoNear query',
  '$err': 'Unable to execute query: error processing query: ns=coverageMap.geomodels limit=1000 skip=0\nTree: GEONEAR  field=geometry maxdist=20000 isNearSphere=0\nSort: {}\nProj: {}\n planner returned error: unable to find index for $geoNear query',
  code: 17007 }

