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为了将新的NameNode数据目录(dfs.name.dir,dfs.namenode.name.dir)正确添加到现有 生产环境 群集,我需要遵循哪些步骤?我已将新路径添加到hdfs-site.xml文件中以逗号分隔的列表中,但是当我尝试启动namenode时,我收到以下错误:

目录/ data / nfs / dfs / nn处于不一致状态:存储目录不存在或无法访问 .

在我的情况下,我已经有两个目录并且正常工作 . (/ data / 1 / dfs / nn,/ data / 2 / dfs / nn)当我添加新目录时,我无法启动namenode . 删除新路径后,它就会正常启动 . 我对新目录的fstab如下所示:

backup-server:/ hadoop_nn / data / nfs / dfs nfs tcp,soft,intr,timeo = 10,retrans = 10 1 2

在上面的挂载点中,我创建了一个名为nn的文件夹 . 该文件夹与nn文件夹中的其他两个现有位置具有相同的所有权和权限 .

drwx ------ 2 hdfs hadoop 64 Jan 22 16:30 nn


2 回答

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    我相信我可能刚刚回答了我自己的问题 . 我最终将一个现有namenode目录的全部内容复制到新的NFS namenode目录,然后我就可以启动namenode了 . (注意我在复制之前停止了namenode以避免出现问题)

    cp -rp /data/1/dfs/nn /data/nfs/dfs/nn

    我想我的假设是namenode会自动将现有的元数据复制到新目录是不正确的 .

  • 0

    在Cloudera CDH 4.5.0中,只有当以下函数(来自 Storage.java ,第418行)返回 NON_EXISTENT 时才会发生该错误 . 在每种情况下都会显示一条警告,其中包含更多详细信息,从 org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.Storage 查找日志行 .

    简而言之,似乎名称节点认为它不存在,不是目录,不可写或以其他方式抛出 SecurityException .

     * Check consistency of the storage directory
     * @param startOpt a startup option.
     * @return state {@link StorageState} of the storage directory 
     * @throws InconsistentFSStateException if directory state is not 
     * consistent and cannot be recovered.
     * @throws IOException
    public StorageState analyzeStorage(StartupOption startOpt, Storage storage)
        throws IOException {
      assert root != null : "root is null";
      String rootPath = root.getCanonicalPath();
      try { // check that storage exists
        if (!root.exists()) {
          // storage directory does not exist
          if (startOpt != StartupOption.FORMAT) {
            LOG.warn("Storage directory " + rootPath + " does not exist");
            return StorageState.NON_EXISTENT;
          LOG.info(rootPath + " does not exist. Creating ...");
          if (!root.mkdirs())
            throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + rootPath);
        // or is inaccessible
        if (!root.isDirectory()) {
          LOG.warn(rootPath + "is not a directory");
          return StorageState.NON_EXISTENT;
        if (!root.canWrite()) {
          LOG.warn("Cannot access storage directory " + rootPath);
          return StorageState.NON_EXISTENT;
      } catch(SecurityException ex) {
        LOG.warn("Cannot access storage directory " + rootPath, ex);
        return StorageState.NON_EXISTENT;
      this.lock(); // lock storage if it exists
      if (startOpt == HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption.FORMAT)
        return StorageState.NOT_FORMATTED;
      if (startOpt != HdfsServerConstants.StartupOption.IMPORT) {
      // check whether current directory is valid
      File versionFile = getVersionFile();
      boolean hasCurrent = versionFile.exists();
      // check which directories exist
      boolean hasPrevious = getPreviousDir().exists();
      boolean hasPreviousTmp = getPreviousTmp().exists();
      boolean hasRemovedTmp = getRemovedTmp().exists();
      boolean hasFinalizedTmp = getFinalizedTmp().exists();
      boolean hasCheckpointTmp = getLastCheckpointTmp().exists();
      if (!(hasPreviousTmp || hasRemovedTmp
          || hasFinalizedTmp || hasCheckpointTmp)) {
        // no temp dirs - no recovery
        if (hasCurrent)
          return StorageState.NORMAL;
        if (hasPrevious)
          throw new InconsistentFSStateException(root,
                              "version file in current directory is missing.");
        return StorageState.NOT_FORMATTED;
      if ((hasPreviousTmp?1:0) + (hasRemovedTmp?1:0)
          + (hasFinalizedTmp?1:0) + (hasCheckpointTmp?1:0) > 1)
        // more than one temp dirs
        throw new InconsistentFSStateException(root,
                                               "too many temporary directories.");
      // # of temp dirs == 1 should either recover or complete a transition
      if (hasCheckpointTmp) {
        return hasCurrent ? StorageState.COMPLETE_CHECKPOINT
                          : StorageState.RECOVER_CHECKPOINT;
      if (hasFinalizedTmp) {
        if (hasPrevious)
          throw new InconsistentFSStateException(root,
                                                 STORAGE_DIR_PREVIOUS + " and " + STORAGE_TMP_FINALIZED
                                                 + "cannot exist together.");
        return StorageState.COMPLETE_FINALIZE;
      if (hasPreviousTmp) {
        if (hasPrevious)
          throw new InconsistentFSStateException(root,
                                                 STORAGE_DIR_PREVIOUS + " and " + STORAGE_TMP_PREVIOUS
                                                 + " cannot exist together.");
        if (hasCurrent)
          return StorageState.COMPLETE_UPGRADE;
        return StorageState.RECOVER_UPGRADE;
      assert hasRemovedTmp : "hasRemovedTmp must be true";
      if (!(hasCurrent ^ hasPrevious))
        throw new InconsistentFSStateException(root,
                                               "one and only one directory " + STORAGE_DIR_CURRENT 
                                               + " or " + STORAGE_DIR_PREVIOUS 
                                               + " must be present when " + STORAGE_TMP_REMOVED
                                               + " exists.");
      if (hasCurrent)
        return StorageState.COMPLETE_ROLLBACK;
      return StorageState.RECOVER_ROLLBACK;
