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table setup


  • 列出所有标签类别

  • 列出每个类别中的所有标签

  • 选择标签后,它会过滤产品列表,以便在组内的标签之间存在OR关系,并且在不同组的标签之间存在AND关系 . 此查询已完成 .

  • 选择一个或多个过滤器后,它会显示该过滤器的选择将添加到产品列表的产品数量 . 我不喜欢避免 .


假设我有两个标签类别,颜色和尺寸 . 它们有多个标签,颜色有红色,绿色和蓝色;小型,中型和大型 .

  • 当用户选择RED和BLUE时,我想列出红色或蓝色的产品 . (正如我所说,这个产品查询已经完成)

  • 我还要列出所有标签 . 对于颜色,我有红色和蓝色选中,但对于绿色,我需要列出有多少绿色产品 . 对于尺寸,我需要列出中,大和小;以及每种尺寸的红色或蓝色产品数量 . How do I write this query?

Edit: 我想要的基本上是Newegg左边的产品过滤器:https://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100163729

4 回答

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    SELECT size, COUNT(*)
        FROM tbl
        WHERE color IN ('red', 'blue')
        GROUP BY size;

    这将给你有多少小,中,大的东西,因为你只看到阅读或蓝色的东西 .

    每次用户更改选项时,都会重新生成并重新运行查询 . 假设用户选择了一些类型和卖家,而不是制造商 . 然后 WHERE 子句看起来像

    WHERE type IN (...)
          AND manufacturer IN (...)

    也就是说,您需要准备好根据用户目前所选择的内容构建 AND 列表 .

    这是应用程序代码;在SQL中完成所有工作是不切实际的 .

  • 0


    --for colors category
    select l.title as label_title
    , count(product_id) as number_of
    from label_product lp
    inner join labels l on lp.label_id = l.id
    --where label_category_id = 'id_of_colors_category' --if you can use label_category_id directly, or if you must use title of category:
    where l.label_category_id in(select id from label_categories where title = 'colors')
    and exists(
      select 1 from products p
      where p.id = pl.product_id 
      --global rules for products, for example:
      ----and p.deleted = 0
      ----and p.category = 'cars'
      --rules for user selected conditions
      ----for example rule for sizes
      and exists(
        select 1 from label_product clp
        --where label_id in (....) --if you can use label_id's directly
        where clp.product_id = p.id
          and label_id in(
          select id from labels 
          where label_category_id = 'id_of_sizes_category'
          and title in('medium', 'large', 'small')
      ----example 2nd rule for types
      and exists(
        select 1 from label_product clp
        where clp.product_id = p.id
          and label_id in(
          select id from labels 
          where label_category_id = 'id_of_types_category'
          and title in('type1', 'type2', 'type3')
      --don't add rule for current label_category - for this example colors
      --end of user selected conditions
    group by l.title
  • 0

    这是用MySQL标记的,所以这是MySQL的一种方式 . 假设1和2是颜色RED和BLUE的ID,并且尚未选择尺寸过滤器 . 然后,第一个查询为您提供每个颜色标签,其中有多少产品与尺寸过滤器匹配 . 同样,最后一个查询为每个尺寸标签提供了与滤色器匹配的产品数量 .

    SET @selected_color_labels = '1,2';
    SET @selected_size_labels = NULL;
    SELECT l.id, count(DISTINCT lp.product_id)
    FROM label_categories lc
    INNER JOIN labels l ON l.label_category_id = lc.id 
    INNER JOIN label_product lp ON lp.label_id = l.id
    INNER JOIN label_categories lc2 ON lc2.title = 'size'
    INNER JOIN labels l2 ON l2.label_category_id = lc2.id AND ifNull(find_in_set(l2.id, @selected_size_labels) > 0, TRUE)
    INNER JOIN label_product lp2 ON lp2.label_id = l2.id AND lp2.product_id = lp.product_id
    WHERE lc.title = 'color'
    GROUP BY l.id;
    SELECT l.id, count(DISTINCT lp.product_id)
    FROM label_categories lc
    INNER JOIN labels l ON l.label_category_id = lc.id 
    INNER JOIN label_product lp ON lp.label_id = l.id
    INNER JOIN label_categories lc2 ON lc2.title = 'color'
    INNER JOIN labels l2 ON l2.label_category_id = lc2.id AND ifNull(find_in_set(l2.id, @selected_color_labels) > 0, TRUE)
    INNER JOIN label_product lp2 ON lp2.label_id = l2.id AND lp2.product_id = lp.product_id
    WHERE lc.title = 'size'
    GROUP BY l.id;
  • 0

    首先,您似乎需要按类别和标签进行分组 .

    如果要使用相同的查询列出所有产品并过滤它们,可以检查参数的值,如果为null,则可以显示所有产品 .

    Select lc.title, l.title,  count(Distinct  p.Id) itemCount  from Products p, Label_Product lp, Labels l, Label_categories lc
    p.id = lp.product_id and l.id = lp.label_id and lc.id = l.label_category_id
    and (l.ID = @label or @label  is null)
    and (lc.ID = @category or @category  is null)
    group by 
    lc.title, l.title, l.Id
