我想要做的是将结构写入文本文件,让一些程序执行其工作(也写入文本文件)并将一些值写回结构中 .

我希望它能清楚我想做什么 .

Module NavigateStruct
    Structure longStructure
        Dim a As String
        Dim b As nestedStructure
        Structure nestedStructure
            Dim c As Double
            Dim d As nestednestedStructure
            Structure nestednestedStructure
                Dim e As Integer
            End Structure
        End Structure
    End Structure 

Sub navigateStructure()
    Dim myStruct As longStructure
    myStruct.b.c = 5.0

    ' somthing read from the text file
    Dim str As String = "b-c"
    Dim val1 As Double = 15.0

    Dim val2 As Double

    Dim splt() As String = str.Split(CChar("-"))
    ' splt ={"b", "c"}

    ' some Code to navigate to and set or retrieve value
    ' (use values in splt as fieldname)
    ' retrieve (that's not how it actually works, only something in simple pseudo code. Is there a way to write it in 'real' VB.net?)
    ' set   (pseudo code as well, but how does it work?)
    myStruct.[splt(0)].[splt(1)] = val1

    ' val2 = 5
    ' myStruct.b.c = 15

End Sub

Sub writeStructureToString()

    ' some code running thru all elements of the structure including nested ones and writing 'parentname'-'childname'   value

    ' result
    ' str = "a  something"
    '       "b-c    5.0"
    '       "d-e    0"
    '       "...    ..."
End Sub
