我想使用mongoose自定义类型的强大功能,但有一个问题我无法找到解决方法 . 基本上我们需要使用以下模式将时区保留为日期

   date: {type: Date}, //UTC date for ease of use
   zone: {type: String} //Initial timezone that allows to restore local date

我已经使用 cast 函数绘制了自定义类型LocalDate,该函数返回标准日期字符串 2014-10-24T14:00:00+0500{date: , zone: } 对象(不确定这是否有效,因此欢迎提出任何建议) . 问题是给出以下代码

//Schema is extended with LocalDate already
var test = new Schema({
  birthday: {type: Schema.Types.LocalDate}

var doc = new test({birthday: '2014-10-24T14:00:00+0500'});
  //err is null here. 

文档已插入数据库并具有_id . 但生日路径根本没有保存 .

看起来好像从未调用 cast . 这里定义了's how it'

module.exports = function(mongoose){
  var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
  var Types = mongoose.Types;
  var SchemaType = mongoose.SchemaType;
  function LocalDate(){
     SchemaType.call(this, key, options);
  LocalDate.prototype.__proto__ = SchemaType.prototype;

  //Here comes checkRequired, $conditionalHandlers etc. which seem to be irrelevant here

   LocalDate.prototype.cast = function(val, scope, init){
     console.log('casting LocalDate'); //Never logged
     if (null === val || '' === val) return null;

     if (_.isObject(val)){ 
      return fromObject(val);
     throw new SchemaType.CastError('LocalDate', val);

     Schema.Types.LocalDate = LocalDate;
     Types.LocalDate = LocalDate;
     return LocalDate;
