我正在使用CakePHP 3.2 . 我必须将CCAvenue支付网关集成到我的网站 .

我正在使用https://github.com/kishanio/CCAvenue-PHP-Library库将CCAvenue整合到我的网站中 .


composer require kishanio/ccavenue



Payment.php 的路径


controller ,我做得很好

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Controller\AppController;
use Cake\Event\Event;

use Kishanio\CCAvenue\Payment as CCAvenueClient;
class OrdersController extends AppController
    public function paymentViaPaymentGateway($invoice = null)

          $payble_amount = 500;

          $ccavenue = new CCAvenueClient('key', 'id', 'redirect');

          // set details

          // copy all the billing details to shipping details

          // get encrypted data to be passed
          $data = $ccavenue->getEncryptedData();

          // merchant id to be passed along the param
          $merchant = $ccavenue->getMerchantId();

          $this->set('data', $data);
          $this->set('merchant', $merchant);

Utils.phpPayment.php 位于同一目录中,而Payment.php包含

namespace Kishanio\CCAvenue;

use Kishanio\CCAvenue\Utils;

Utils.php 包含

namespace Kishanio\CCAvenue;

use Kishanio\CCAvenue\Payment;

But, this gives error as

致命错误:第243行的/path_to/vendor/CCAvenue-PHP-Library-master/src/Payment.php中找不到类'Kishanio \ CCAvenue \ Utils'

Payment.php的内容,指出错误 .

public function getEncryptedData() {
  $utils = new Utils( $this );           // line 243
  $merchant_data = $this->getMerchantData( $utils->getChecksum() );
  return $utils->encrypt($merchant_data,$this->getWorkingKey());