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import { MIME_PNG } from 'jimp';
import { IDimensions } from './spritesheet';

 * A class for a single sprite. This contains the image
 * and supporting data and methods
export class Sprite {
    image: Jimp.Jimp;
    dimensions: IDimensions;

     * @param img a jimp image of the sprite
    constructor (img: Jimp.Jimp) {
        this.image = img;

        this.dimensions = {
            width: this.image.bitmap.width,
            height: this.image.bitmap.height

     * Get the buffer for the sprite. Returns a promise.
    getBuffer (): Promise<Buffer> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            return this.image.getBuffer(MIME_PNG, (err, buff) => {
                if (err) return reject(err);


Typescript只用命令 tsc 编译就好了,但是当我发布包时,我正在使用命令 tsc -d -p ./ --outdir dist/ 进行编译以生成 .d.ts 文件 .


/// <reference types="node" />
import { IDimensions } from './spritesheet';
 * A class for a single sprite. This contains the image
 * and supporting data and methods
export declare class Sprite {
    image: Jimp.Jimp;
    dimensions: IDimensions;
     * @param img a jimp image of the sprite
    constructor(img: Jimp.Jimp);
     * Get the buffer for the sprite. Returns a promise.
    getBuffer(): Promise<Buffer>;

现在,当在VSCode中查看此文件时,以及在发布/导入到另一个项目时,我在 Jimp.Jimp 类型上收到了打字稿错误"Cannot find namespace 'Jimp'."

我注意到 tsc 正在从文件中删除 import { MIME_PNG } from 'jimp'; 行,如果我添加该文件,它编译就好了 .

我的 tsconfig.json 文件如下所示:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es6",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "outDir": "./dist",
    "rootDir": "./src",
    "strict": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node"

1 回答

  • 1

    我和你有同样的问题 . 我能够通过在 .ts 文件顶部的 .d.ts jimp文件中添加引用路径来解决它,我从Jimp导入了这些东西 .

    所以 import { MIME_PNG } from 'jimp'; 之前

    你应该添加 /// <reference path="../../node_modules/jimp/jimp.d.ts" />

    这样,Typescript似乎能够找到Jimp命名空间 .
