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EXT JS:在Combobox中,如何为不在商店中的记录设置显示字段?


我想在组合框中为记录设置一个显示字段(这是一个历史数据并存储在数据库中并加载到表单上),该数据库中没有条目 .

例如,我在商店中有3个条目如下 - 值:显示字段a:apple b:ball c:cat

像往常一样,它用于预填充组合框(直到这里工作正常) .

我有一些存储在数据库中的历史数据,其中包含一些id为d的记录的值,这些记录在商店中不再存在,但我仍然希望支持旧数据,并希望显示相关的显示字段('doll')它 .

我的查询是,即使此记录不在与组合框关联的商店中,如何在从数据库获取记录时设置显示字段?目前,我们在extJs中没有诸如setDisplayField之类的方法,但是我们有一个方法'setValue'来改变组合框中的值,这是不希望的 .

我想在数据库中遇到'id = d'时将显示字段更改为'doll' .

请帮忙 .


3 回答

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    如果你真正想要的是 setDisplayField 方法,实际上它存在并且它被称为setRawValue .

    然而,令人怀疑的是,它本身就足以解决您的问题 . 实际上,您可以使用它来获得正确的显示,但您将失去 Value ......

    var legacyData = [
        {id: 'd', name: "Doll"}
    var combo = Ext.widget({
        renderTo: Ext.getBody()
        ,xtype: 'combo'
        ,fieldLabel: "Regular combo"
        ,valueField: 'id'
        ,displayField: 'name'
        ,queryMode: 'local'
        ,value: 'd'
        ,store: {
            fields: ['id', 'name']
            ,data: []
            ,autoLoad: true
            ,listeners: {
                load: function() {
                    var value = combo.value,
                        valueField = combo.valueField,
                        displayField = combo.displayField,
                        o = Ext.Array.findBy(legacyData, function(data) {
                            return data[valueField] === value;
                    if (o) {
                    // Fail! This will alert 'Doll' instead of 'd'.
                    // If you set forceSelection to true, the value will be cleared
                    // all together.

    正如dbring建议的那样,将历史记录添加到组合商店中确实可以解决您的问题,当且仅当您愿意让用户选择历史记录时 . 在我的理解中并非如此,因为否则你不会有任何问题开始......

    在检查了组合类的代码之后,我认为实现所需的最佳方法是覆盖findRecord方法 . 此方法返回的任何记录都将用于更新组合框显示及其值,而不管此记录是否存在于组合的存储中,并且不会影响可在组合中选择的值 . 完善!

    让's say we' ve在我们的组合中添加 legacyStore ,这里是如何覆盖 findRecord 方法来做到这一点:

    findRecord: function(field, value) {
        var ls = this.legacyStore,
            record = this.callParent(arguments);
        if (record) {
            // found in current store
            return record;
        } else if (ls) {
            // try legacy value store
            var idx = ls.findExact(field, value);
            return idx !== -1 ? ls.getAt(idx) : false;
        } else {
            return false;


    首先,如果在调用 findRecord 时没有加载旧存储怎么办?那不行 . 在其vanilla形式中,如果未加载其存储,组合框将中止其 setValue 方法,并从其 onLoad 方法调用它 . 我们应该添加一些代码来复制旧版商店的这种行为 .

    第二个问题更简单,但如果组合用历史值初始化,并且用户更改组合的值但后悔他们的选择怎么办?如果不取消并重新填写整个表格,他们将无法获得原始 Value . 为了避免这种挫败感,我们可以更改组合行为以在清除时恢复其原始值,而不是其最后一个值 . 由于我不知道这是否合适,我们会将其添加为选项 .

    考虑到这一切,这里是处理您的特定用例的“ux”的完整代码 .

    请注意,如果 forceSelection 设置为 true 并且使用 autoLoad: true 创建存储,则它包含一个错误的全局修复程序,该错误会终止组合框的初始值 . 有关this other question中的更多信息 . 或者,您可以跳过全局修复并将 loading: true 添加到使用 forceSelection: true 的组合的所有商店和旧版商店 .

     * Fixes the bug with autoLoad: true and forceSelection: true.
     * See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14440479/1387519
    Ext.define('Ext.ux.fix.data.Store.AutoLoadLoadingState', {
        override: 'Ext.data.Store'
        ,constructor: function() {
            if (this.autoLoad) {
                this.loading = true;
     * A combo box with support for legacy values.
     * Legacy values will be displayed if their value is assigned to the 
     * combo, but they won't be selectable (nor queryable) by the user.
    Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.LegacyValueCombo', {
        extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox'
        ,alias: 'widget.legacyvaluecombo'
        ,requires: [
         * The store that provides legacy values.
         * @cfg {Ext.data.Store/Object/String}
        ,legacyStore: undefined
         * If `true` and {@link #forceSelection} is also `true`, the
         * {@link #originalValue original value} of the field will be restored when
         * the field is cleared, instead of the last value.
         * This may be useful considering that if the combo original value is a
         * legacy one, and the user changes this value, they will have no other
         * means to get it back afterward.
         * @cfg {Boolean}
        ,restoreOriginalValue: true
         * Ensure the legacy store is a store instance before initializing the
         * combo box.
        ,initComponent: function() {
            var legacyStore = this.legacyStore;
            if (legacyStore) {
                this.legacyStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup(legacyStore);
         * Overridden to return a legacy record if the value is not found in the
         * regular store.
         * This method will only work if both stores have been loaded.
        ,findRecord: function(field, value) {
            var ls = this.legacyStore,
                record = this.callParent(arguments);
            if (record) {
                // found in current store
                return record;
            } else if (ls) {
                // try legacy value store
                var idx = ls.findExact(field, value);
                return idx !== -1 ? ls.getAt(idx) : false;
            } else {
                return false;
         * This method is overridden to support the case where the legacy store
         * loads after the regular store.
        ,setValue: function(value) {
            var store = this.store,
                legacyStore = this.legacyStore;
            if (legacyStore) {
                // If the legacy store has not been loaded, trigger it.
                if (!legacyStore.lastOptions) {
                    if (!legacyStore.loading) {
                // Legacy store is loading, we must wait for it to be done before
                // processing the value.
                if (legacyStore.loading) {
                    // This is done in the parent setValue method, but we are not
                    // sure it will be called in time so we must replicate this 
                    // code here.
                    this.value = value;
                    // If the regular store is loading, then this method will be
                    // called again when it is done. We will see at this time if we
                    // still have to wait for the legacy store. In the other case,
                    // we have to simulate a call to onLoad when the legacy store
                    // has loaded.
                    if (!store.loading) {
                            single: true
                            ,scope: this
                            ,load: function(legacyStore, records, success) {
                                this.onLoad(store, store.getRange(), success);
                // Legacy store is loaded, that's OK to continue.
                else {
                    // Implements restoreOriginalValue.
                    if (this.restoreOriginalValue) {
                        this.lastSelection = this.originalValue;
                // setValue must return this
                return this;
            // No legacy store, just defer to the super method.
            else {
                return this.callParent(arguments);

    最后,这里有一个live demo,其中有很多例子证明这个ux适用于同步和异步存储的所有组合和 forceSelection ......而 setRawValue 却没有 .

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    我认为您可以通过创建Ext.XTemplate并将该模板设置为组合框上的displayTpl属性来实现此目的 . 然后在您的模板中,您可以使用一种方法来测试应以不同方式显示的记录 .

    displayTpl配置没有记录,但如果您查看ComboBox Source Code并搜索 me.displayTpl ,您可以看到它们只是创建一个默认的displayTpl(如果不存在) .

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    您只需要在使用 store.add({id:'d',name:'doll'}) 加载后将该记录添加到商店


    Ext.define('MyApp.store.Users', {
            load:function (store, recs) {
                store.add({uid:'', name:''});  //adding empty record to enable deselection of assignment
