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继续为我的RockPaperScissor程序收到此错误消息 . 我该如何解决这个错误?



----jGRASP exec: javac -g RockPaperScissorRandom.java

RockPaperScissorRandom.java:40: error: variable computerPlay might not have been initialized
      **System.out.println("Computer play is: " + computerPlay);**
1 error

 ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1.
 ----jGRASP: operation complete.


import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

public class RockPaperScissorRandom{
   public static void main(String[]args){

      String personPlay; //User's play -- "0", "1", or "2"
      String computerPlay; //Computer's play -- "0", "1", or "2"
      int computerInt; //Randomly generated number used to determine computer's  play

      String response;

      Scanner scan= new Scanner(System.in);
      Random generator  = new Random();

      System.out.println("Hey, let's play Rock, Paper, Scissors!\n" + "Please enter a move.\n" + "Rock = 0, Paper = 1, and Scissors = 2.");


      //Generate computer's play (0,1,2)
      computerInt = generator.nextInt(3)+1;

      //Translate computer's randomly generated play to //string using if //statements

      if (computerInt == 1)
         computerPlay = "0";
      else if (computerInt == 2)
         computerPlay = "1";
      else if (computerInt == 3)
         computerPlay = "2";

      //Get player's play from input-- not that this is stored as a string
      System.out.println ("Enter your play: ");
      personPlay = scan.next();

      //Make player's play uppercase ofr ease of comparison
      personPlay = personPlay.toUpperCase();

      //Print computer's play
      System.out.println("Computer play is: " + computerPlay);

      //See who won. use nested ifs

      if (personPlay.equals(computerPlay))
         System.out.println("It's a tie!");
      else if (personPlay.equals("0"))
         if (computerPlay.equals("2"))
         System.out.println("Rock crushes scissors. You WIN!!");
      else if (computerPlay.equals("1"))
         System.out.println("Paper eats rock. You LOSE!!");
      else if (personPlay.equals("1"))
         if (computerPlay.equals("2"))
         System.out.println("Scissors cuts paper. You LOSE!!");
      else if (computerPlay.equals("0"))
         System.out.println("Paper eats rock. You WIN!!");
      else if (personPlay.equals("2"))
         if (computerPlay.equals("1"))
         System.out.println("Scissors cuts paper. You WIN!!");
      else if (computerPlay.equals("0"))
         System.out.println("Rock breaks scissors. You LOSE!!");
         System.out.println("Invalid user input.Computer wins by default. You LOSE!!");

5 回答

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    computerInt = generator.nextInt(3)+1;
    if (computerInt == 1)
        computerPlay = "0";
    else if (computerInt == 2)
        computerPlay = "1";
    else if (computerInt == 3)
        computerPlay = "2";

    computerInt 保证为1,2或3,因此必须初始化 computerPlay . 但这并非显而易见(它需要理解 nextInt(int) 的目的,并且知道它已正确实现),因此编译器不知道这一点 . 据他所知, computerInt 可以是任何有效的 int ,并且大多数这些值导致 computerPlay 未正确初始化 .

    所以你应该确保通过代码的每个可想到的路径设置一个值 . 在您的情况下,这是一个非常简单的变化:

    if (computerInt == 1)
        computerPlay = "0";
    else if (computerInt == 2)
        computerPlay = "1";
        computerPlay = "2";

    通过删除最终的 if ,该值将始终初始化 . 删除该检查是安全的,因为您知道如果它到达 else 它将始终被初始化,即使编译器没有 .

    其他选项是在声明 computerPlay (例如 "" )时设置默认值,或者在结束时使用 else 正确处理不是预期值的情况(如果稍后更改代码以使其可以是另一个值) , 例如) .

  • 1

    将空String / null分配给它:

    String computerPlay = null;


    String computerPlay = "";


    if (computerInt == 1)
        computerPlay = "0";
    else if (computerInt == 2)
        computerPlay = "1";
    else /* removed if (computerInt == 3)*/
        computerPlay = "2";

    这样你的computerPlay变量将始终被初始化 .


    computerInt = generator.nextInt(3)+1;

    computerInt等于1或2或3,但编译器现在没有 . nextInt()方法可以从编译器的角度返回任何内容 .

  • 4

    这意味着computerPlay可能尚未初始化 . 你是这样做的:

    if (computerInt == 1)
         computerPlay = "0";
      else if (computerInt == 2)
         computerPlay = "1";
      else if (computerInt == 3)
         computerPlay = "2";

    但是如果他在任何情况下都不合适,那么对于computerPlay没有默认值,因此该值将是垃圾并使程序崩溃 . 让你的程序编译 . 您可以向计算机Play添加默认值,如下所示:

    String computerPlay = "";

    或者在if语句中添加另一个将成为默认值的else .

    if (computerInt == 1)
         computerPlay = "0";
      else if (computerInt == 2)
         computerPlay = "1";
      else if (computerInt == 3)
         computerPlay = "2";
         computerPlay = "";
  • 0

    如果不能保证它们将在程序中稍后初始化,则需要在声明语句中初始化变量 . 例如,if / else-if语句不能确保初始化computerPlay,因为有可能不会执行if / else-if语句 . 要解决此问题,请更改此行代码,

    String computerPlay;


    String computerPlay = "";

    这是一个例外 . 当变量在它们被使用的子路径/方法之外声明时,它们不必是initiazlied

  • 1

    无论如何你're getting that error is because it is possible (in the compiler'查看'computerPlay'没有获得值的原因 . 唯一一次 computerPlay 被分配到这里:

    if (computerInt == 1)
       computerPlay = "0";
    else if (computerInt == 2)
       computerPlay = "1";
    else if (computerInt == 3)
       computerPlay = "2";

    但是如果 computerInt 是4呢?还是0?还是-273?编译器没有将值限制为1,2和3,因此它假定任何其他数字都可能,这意味着 computerPlay 可能无法初始化 .

    要解决此问题,请将最后一个 else if 更改为 else ,或在其定义中将默认值更改为 computerPlay ...即 int computerPlay = 0;
