当我试图 Build 应用程序时,我得到了这些错误,我已经尝试了很多东西,但找不到原因


“@ angular / animations”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / cdk”:“^ 5.1.1”

“@ angular / common”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / compiler”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / core”:“^ 4.4.6”,“@ angular / flex-layout”:“^ 2.0.0-beta.9”

“@ angular / forms”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / http”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / material”:“^ 5.2.3”

“@ angular / platform-browser”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / platform-browser-dynamic”:“^ 4.4.4”

“@ angular / router”:“^ 4.4.4”

“cli”:“^ 1.0.1”

“core-js”:“^ 2.4.1”

“node”:“^ 9.4.0”


“rxjs”:“^ 5.1.0”

“zone.js”:“^ 0.8.4”},

git bash出错

ERROR in Cannot determine the module for class MatCellDef in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/cell.d.ts! Add MatCellDef to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatHeaderCellDef in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/cell.d.ts! Add MatHeaderCellDef to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatColumnDef in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/cell.d.ts! Add MatColumnDef to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatHeaderCell in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/cell.d.ts! Add MatHeaderCell to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatCell in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/cell.d.ts! Add MatCell to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatTable in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/table.d.ts! Add MatTable to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatHeaderRowDef in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/row.d.ts! Add MatHeaderRowDef to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatRowDef in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/row.d.ts! Add MatRowDef to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatHeaderRow in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/row.d.ts! Add MatHeaderRow to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatRow in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/table/typings/row.d.ts! Add MatRow to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatCheckboxRequiredValidator in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/checkbox/typings/checkbox-required-validator.d.ts! Add MatCheckboxRequiredValidator to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatAccordion in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/expansion/typings/accordion.d.ts! Add MatAccordion to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatExpansionPanel in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/expansion/typings/expansion-panel.d.ts! Add MatExpansionPanel to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatStepLabel in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/step-label.d.ts! Add MatStepLabel to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatStep in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/stepper.d.ts! Add MatStep to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatStepper in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/stepper.d.ts! Add MatStepper to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatHorizontalStepper in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/stepper.d.ts! Add MatHorizontalStepper to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatVerticalStepper in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/stepper.d.ts! Add MatVerticalStepper to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatStepperNext in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/stepper-button.d.ts! Add MatStepperNext to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatStepperPrevious in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/stepper/typings/stepper-button.d.ts! Add MatStepperPrevious to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatTabLabel in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/tabs/typings/tab-label.d.ts! Add MatTabLabel to the NgModule to fix it.
Cannot determine the module for class MatTabBodyPortal in D:/Angular/node_modules/@angular/material/tabs/typings/tab-body.d.ts! Add MatTabBodyPortal to the NgModule to fix it.
ERROR in ./UI/src/main.ts
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './$$_gendir/app/app.module.ngfactory' in 'D:\Angular\UI\src'
 @ ./UI/src/main.ts 3:0-74
 @ multi ./UI/src/main.ts

import { MatTableModule, MatTableDataSource} from '@angular/material/table';
import {
    MatToolbarModule, MatSidenavModule, MatButtonModule,
    MatListModule, MatStepperModule, MatInputModule, MatSelectModule,
    MatAutocompleteModule, MatFormFieldModule, MatCheckboxModule, MatPaginatorModule, MatTabsModule,
} from '@angular/material';
