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Azure Botframework:如果用户使用无效值响应,如何重新提示Prompt.text


我有一个 dialog ,它有多个提示( Prompts.textPrompts.numberPrompts.ChoicePrompts.confirm ) . 虽然 Prompts.choicePrompts.confirm 似乎有内置验证,但如何验证 Prompts.text

我已经完成了这个帖子How to handle wrong input from the user?但是通过将文本转换为选择来纠正它 .

此外,我不想重新启动整个对话框,因为它从create custom prompts to validate input开始询问问题表格 .


bot.dialog('/getDetails', [

 function (session, args, next) {

    let options = {
                retryPrompt: 'The response id invalid'

      builder.Prompts.text(session, 'What is your full name?', options);
     //passing options as argument works for Prompts.choice, which seems an inbuilt validation

 function (session, results, next){

     var name = session.dialogData.name;

     //How to to reprompt if user does not enters its full name?
     if (results.response) {
         name.fullname = results.response;

       builder.Prompts.text(session, 'Can you please provide your country name?');  

 function (session, results) {

     var name = session.dialogData.name;

     //How to reprompt only last Prompts.text if user enter an invlid value?
     if (results.response) {
         name.text = results.response;

    matches: 'GetDetails', 

1 回答

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    bot.dialog('/getDetail', [
        function (session) {
          session.beginDialog('/validateAge', { prompt: "What's your age?" });
          //if false response, then prmopts "I did not understand {age}""    
        function (session, results) {
            if (results.response) {
                session.send("Thank you for adding your age");
         matches: /^lets validate$/i
    bot.dialog('/validateAge', builder.DialogAction.validatedPrompt(builder.PromptType.text, function (response) {
       if(response> 0 && response < 70){
        return response;
