Is there a way to dynamically create a class using Typescript which can be saved in it's own file to be reused later on in different projects?

例如,假设我想要一个 SpecificationParser 类,它可以读取一些 JSON 规范文件并创建某个实体的表示 .

我希望动态创建一个类,它将采用表示形式并将其重新化为构建器类,该类将具有动态创建的方法,这些方法具有来自相同表示的属性(命名,类型,参数...) .

spec: {
 a: {
     type: string,
     length: 10
 b: {
     type: number,
     min: 3,
     max: 9
 +--------v----------+     +-------------------+     +--------------------+
 |SpecificationParser|     |Representation     |     |DynamicClass        |
 +-------------------+     +-------------------+     +--------------------+
 |Parse              +----->Compile            +----->withA(value: string)|
 |                   |     |                   |     |                    |
 |                   |     |                   |     |withB(value: number)|
 +-------------------+     +-------------------+     +--------------------+

The things I'd like to achieve:

  • 从规范文件动态创建TS类

  • 这些类受益于TS功能(类型检查......)

