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Java - Thymeleaf - HTML:使用开关案例的颜色字母:不需要的段落/换行符


我正在研究一个由基因,蛋白质和分析组成的生物数据库 . 使用Spring Boot和Thymeleaf,我想 Build 一个Web可视化 . 每个基因都显示在一个页面上,其中包含名称,描述和序列 . 序列由字母A,T,G和C组成 . 我想为那些字母(作品)着色 . 但是,每个字母都写在一个新行中,而不是写入文本,直到行已满(然后到下一行等) . 在gene.html中,我在定义颜色时使用了小标签(之前尝试了p,虽然这是我的问题的原因),但是使用small并没有帮助 .



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://thymeleaf.org">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="content/html; charset=UTF-8">

<!--import header-->
<header th:include="header"></header>

    <div id="main">
        <!--GeneID as page heading -->
        <h2 th:text="'Gene: '+${identifier}"></h2>
        <!--Gene description -->
        <p th:text="${description}"></p>
<!-- Sequence --> <h3 th:text="'Sequence:'"></h3> <!-- For each char in sequence--> <th:block th:each="char:${sequence}"> <!--Print the char. Possibility to color encode the bases utilizing switch/case <small th:text="${char}"></small> --> <div th:switch="${char}"> <div th:case="'A'"> <small style="color: blue" th:text="${char}"></small> </div> <div th:case="'T'"> <small style="color: yellow" th:text="${char}"></small> </div> <div th:case="'C'"> <small style="color: forestgreen" th:text="${char}"></small> </div> <div th:case="'G'"> <small style="color: red" th:text="${char}"></small> </div> </div> </th:block>

<!--Protein encoded by gene --> <h3>Protein:</h3> <a th:href="${'protein?id='+protein}" th:text="${protein}"></a> </div> </body> </html>


package gui.spring.controller;

import db.sample.Gene;
import db.sample.Protein;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

import java.util.Optional;
import static main.Main.query;

 * @author Miriam Mueller
 * @since 05-12-2018
 * @version 1.0
 * Class to handle view of one Gene. Gene name, description and sequence are shown. The encoded protein is linked.
public class GeneController {
    //All calls of localhost:8080/gene get to this controller
    @RequestMapping(value = "/gene", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String einGenAnzeigen(Model model, @RequestParam(value="id") String id) {

        Optional<Gene> gene = query.getGeneByName(id);

        if(gene.isPresent()) {
            // if gene exists
            String description = gene.get().getDesc();
            String[] arraySeq = gene.get().getSequence().split("(?!^)");
            Protein protein = query.getGeneByName(id).get().getProtein();
            model.addAttribute("identifier", gene.get().getIdentifier()); //GenID
            model.addAttribute("sequence",arraySeq); //gene sequence
            model.addAttribute("description",description); //description
            model.addAttribute("protein",protein.getIdentifier()); //encoded protein
            // error messages, if no gene with called id exists
            model.addAttribute("gene", "There is no Gene with this ID.");
            model.addAttribute("protein","There is no Gene with this ID.Therefore, no reference protein was found.");

        // name of html-template
        return "gene";


2 回答

  • 1

    您可以使用 float: left 的样式来使您的div块按照您想要的方式排列 .

    我比在html中管理它们容易得多 . 然后你可以摆脱那个 th:switch 陈述 .

    使用以下内容在 resources/static/css/ 中创建 main.css 文件(作为示例)

    div.gene {
        border: 1px solid #999;
        float: left;
        height: 14px;
        width: 14px;
        text-align: center;
        font-size: 12px;
    div.A {
        color: blue;
    div.T {
        color: yellow;
    div.C {
        color: forestgreen;
    div.G {
        color: red;

    在您的基因html的 <head> 标记内添加以下内容,以便它可以获取css文件

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css" />



    <div th:switch="${char}">
            <div th:case="'A'">
                <small  style="color: blue" th:text="${char}"></small>
            <div th:case="'T'">
                <small  style="color: yellow" th:text="${char}"></small>
            <div th:case="'C'">
                <small  style="color: forestgreen" th:text="${char}"></small>
            <div th:case="'G'">
                <small  style="color: red" th:text="${char}"></small>

    <div th:class="${'gene ' + char}" th:text="${char}"/>

    这将在div中添加一个类'基因'和一个带有基因char的类(例如'A') . 然后css具有基因的样式,这些样式对于所有人都是共同的,并且char的样式是特定的(即颜色)

  • 1

    发生的事情是 div 元素是block元素,这意味着它们将垂直堆叠而不是水平堆叠 . 例如,当您遍历序列时:

    <th:block th:each="char:${sequence}">
            <!--Print the char. Possibility to color encode the bases utilizing switch/case
            <small th:text="${char}"></small> -->
            <div th:switch="${char}">
                <div th:case="'A'">
                    <small  style="color: blue" th:text="${char}"></small>
                <div th:case="'T'">
                    <small  style="color: yellow" th:text="${char}"></small>
                <div th:case="'C'">
                    <small  style="color: forestgreen" th:text="${char}"></small>
                <div th:case="'G'">
                    <small  style="color: red" th:text="${char}"></small>

    每一个 div 都将以新的一行显示 . 您可以通过将这些div上的 display 更改为 inlineinline-block 来将它们显示为内联

    <div th:case="'A'" style="display:inline-block;">
                <small  style="color: blue" th:text="${char}"></small>
            <div th:case="'T'" style="display:inline-block;">
                <small  style="color: yellow" th:text="${char}"></small>
            <div th:case="'C'" style="display:inline-block;">
                <small  style="color: forestgreen" th:text="${char}"></small>
            <div th:case="'G'" style="display:inline-block;">
                <small  style="color: red" th:text="${char}"></small>

    或使用其默认显示不是 block 的其他元素,例如 span . 删除 div's 也可以正常工作,因为 small 也是一个内联元素 .
