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std :: function的容器,具有多态类型作为函数参数


我想要“另一个”回调注册的东西 . 扩展公共基本事件类型的不同事件类型将触发相关的回调函数 .


#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>

class BaseEvent 
    virtual ~BaseEvent() {}

class DerivedEvent_1 : public BaseEvent {};
class DerivedEvent_2 : public BaseEvent {};

// a container holding callback functions
std::unordered_map<size_t/*event*/, std::function<void(BaseEvent)>/*callback*/> _callbacks;

// register callback funtion associated with specific event
template<typename EVT>  
void registerCallback(std::function<void(EVT)> cb)
    std::cout << "store callback associated with event " << typeid(EVT).name() << " [" << typeid(EVT).hash_code() << "]" << std::endl;
    //_functions[ typeid(EVT).hash_code() ] = cb; // FIXME

// trigger callback function
void triggerCallback(const BaseEvent* e)
    std::cout << "trigger callback with event " << typeid(*e).name() << " [" << typeid(*e).hash_code() << "]" << std::endl;
    //_functions[ typeid(*e).hash_code() ] (*e); // FIXME

// callback function for DerivedEvent_1
void callback_1(DerivedEvent_1 event_1)
    std::cout << "callback_1 called" << std::endl;

// callback function for DerivedEvent_2
void callback_2(DerivedEvent_2 event_2)
    std::cout << "callback_2 called" << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    registerCallback<DerivedEvent_1>( [](DerivedEvent_1 e) { callback_1(e); } );
    registerCallback<DerivedEvent_2>( [](DerivedEvent_2 e) { callback_2(e); } );

    DerivedEvent_1 e1;
    DerivedEvent_2 e2;


    return 1;


$ g++ -std=c++11 -o testStdFunction testStdFunvtion.cpp 
$ ./testStdFunction 
store callback associated with event 14DerivedEvent_1 [4527193776]
store callback associated with event 14DerivedEvent_2 [4527193680]
trigger callback with event 14DerivedEvent_1 [4527193776]
trigger callback with event 14DerivedEvent_2 [4527193680]


  • 事件是类或结构,可以具有特定属性作为有效负载

  • 我想保留回调函数(例如void callback_1(DerivedEvent_1 event_1)而没有指针作为参数 . 原因:这些回调函数可能已存在于代码库中,我不想更改它或制作额外的包装器 .

  • 如何让_callbacks映射为具有不同签名的std :: function?即让_callbacks映射可以保存std :: function

目的是修复registerCallback和triggerCallback中的FIXME代码 . 因此在运行代码后它们将如下所示

$ g++ -std=c++11 -o testStdFunction testStdFunvtion.cpp 
$ ./testStdFunction 
store callback associated with event 14DerivedEvent_1 [4527193776]
store callback associated with event 14DerivedEvent_2 [4527193680]
trigger callback with event 14DerivedEvent_1 [4527193776]
callback_1 called
trigger callback with event 14DerivedEvent_2 [4527193680]
callback_2 called

1 回答

  • 1

    您可以使用已擦除的包装 .
    以下代码准确打印OP在问题中发布的消息 .
    键类是 BaseWrapper ,模板类是 Wrapper .
    此外,我稍微改变了代码周围的功能签名,让它正常工作 .

    #include <functional>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <unordered_map>
    class BaseEvent 
        virtual ~BaseEvent() {}
    class DerivedEvent_1 : public BaseEvent {};
    class DerivedEvent_2 : public BaseEvent {};
    struct BaseWrapper {
        virtual void operator()(const BaseEvent *) = 0;
    template<typename T>
    struct Wrapper: BaseWrapper {
        std::function<void(T)> fn;
        void operator()(const BaseEvent *e) {
            fn(*static_cast<const T*>(e));
    // a container holding callback functions
    std::unordered_map<size_t/*event*/, std::unique_ptr<BaseWrapper>/*callback*/> _functions;
    // register callback funtion associated with specific event
    template<typename EVT>  
    void registerCallback(std::function<void(const EVT &)> cb)
        std::cout << "store callback associated with event " << typeid(EVT).name() << " [" << typeid(EVT).hash_code() << "]" << std::endl;
        auto w = std::make_unique<Wrapper<EVT>>();
        w->fn = cb;
        _functions[ typeid(EVT).hash_code() ] = std::move(w);
    // trigger callback function
    void triggerCallback(const BaseEvent* e)
        std::cout << "trigger callback with event " << typeid(*e).name() << " [" << typeid(*e).hash_code() << "]" << std::endl;
        (*_functions[ typeid(*e).hash_code() ] )(e);
    // callback function for DerivedEvent_1
    void callback_1(const DerivedEvent_1 &event_1)
        std::cout << "callback_1 called" << std::endl;
    // callback function for DerivedEvent_2
    void callback_2(const DerivedEvent_2 &event_2)
        std::cout << "callback_2 called" << std::endl;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        registerCallback<DerivedEvent_1>( [](DerivedEvent_1 e) { callback_1(e); } );
        registerCallback<DerivedEvent_2>( [](DerivedEvent_2 e) { callback_2(e); } );
        DerivedEvent_1 e1;
        DerivedEvent_2 e2;
        return 1;

    可以在性能方面改进包装器(例如,使用静态成员方法而不是多态,留给读者作为练习) .
    解决方案背后的基本思想是所谓的 type-erasure .
    Google将帮助您找到有关该细节的更多详细信息 .
