我正在为我的应用程序开发一个提醒功能 . 它适用于iOS 9和iOS 10.我使用iOS 9的UILocalNotification和ios 10的UNUserNotificationCenter . 这是我的应用程序的图片:

User can choose the weekday that they want to repeat

And they can choose the minute repeat for each time

每次重复的想法是创建一个新的通知,但为它添加分钟 . 例如,如果你想重复5分钟我得到第一次通知时间并加上5分钟然后重复2次 . 它在iOS 10上使用UNUserNotificationCenter非常完美,但在iOS 9中我遇到了一些麻烦 . 每次推送一个数字通知,与您选择的当天数相同 . 例如,如果你选择三天是星期四,星期五,萨尔它会推3 Notification for each time .

如果你选择三天是周四,周五,萨尔 . arrDay是[5,6,7]所以这循环3次

for day in arrDay {    
    setNotification(weekDay: day, title: titleAlert, sound: sound, setTime: getTime(), identifi: identifi)


    let notification = UILocalNotification()
    notification.alertTitle = title
    notification.alertBody = "Đã đến giờ hẹn. Hãy dành một ít thời gian để cũng cố kiến thức nào!"
    notification.soundName = sound
    if sound == "Mặc định" {
        notification.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName
    notification.userInfo = [identifi: identifi]
    let time = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month,.day,.weekday,.hour,.minute,.second], from: setTime)
    var dates = DateComponents()
    dates.weekday = weekDay
    dates.hour = time.hour
    dates.minute = time.minute

    let fireTime = Calendar.current.date(from: dates)
    notification.fireDate = fireTime
    notification.repeatInterval = .weekday
