Facebook Messenger中有一个按钮 . Dialogflow上是否有点击按钮事件?我无法在任何地方找到它,包括Dialogflow文档 . 我有一个添加到购物车的按钮,但我不知道如何在点击它时调用该事件 . 我是对话流和使用javascript的新手 . 谢谢 . 这是我的代码 .

function clothing_Women(agent) {
        agent.add("Here are clothings for Women.")
        agent.add(new Payload(agent.FACEBOOK, {
            attachment: {
                type: "template",
                payload: {
                    template_type: "generic",
                        {   //item 1
                            title: "Women Green Shirt",
                            image_url: "https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1OWMiXF9gSKJjSspbq6zeNXXaR/Sexy-Women-Lady-Deep-V-Neck-T-Shirt-Casual-Plunge-Cleavage-Button-Tops-Tee-Shirt-Hot.jpg",
                            default_action: {
                                type: "web_url",
                                url: "www.lazada.com"
                            buttons: [{
                                type: "postback",
                                payload: "addtocart",
                                title: "View more details"
                            }, {
                                type: "postback",
                                payload: "addtocart",
                                title: "Add to cart"
                        {   //item 2
                            title: "Women Black shirt",
                            image_url: "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2237/3241/products/Womens_Short_Sleeve_-_Single_Black.jpg?v=1524699432",
                            default_action: {
                                type: "web_url",
                                url: "www.lazada.com"
                            buttons: [{
                                type: "postback",
                                payload: "addtocart",
                                title: "View more details"
                            }, {
                                type: "postback",
                                payload: "addtocart",
                                title: "Add to cart"
                         {   //item 2
                            title: "Women White Shirt",
                            image_url: "https://cdn.mec.ca/medias/sys_master/fallback/fallback/8802711109662/5027821-WHT00-fallback.jpg",
                            default_action: {
                                type: "web_url",
                                url: "www.lazada.com"
                            buttons: [{
                                type: "postback",
                                payload: "addtocart",
                                title: "View more details"
                            }, {
                                type: "postback",
                                payload: "addtocart",
                                title: "Add to cart"
